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Conservation Practice Effectiveness (CoPE) Database

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posted on 2023-12-18, 18:12 authored by Douglas Smith, Michael White, Eileen McLellan, Rehanon Pampell, Daren Harmel

The Conservation Practice Effectiveness Database compiles information on the effectiveness of a suite of conservation practices. This database presents a compilation of data on the effectiveness of innovative practices developed to treat contaminants in surface runoff and tile drainage water from agricultural landscapes. Traditional conservation practices such as no-tillage and conservation crop rotation are included in the database, as well as novel practices such as drainage water management, blind inlets, and denitrification bioreactors. This will be particularly useful to conservation planners seeking new approaches to water quality problems associated with dissolved constituents, such as nitrate or soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), and for researchers seeking to understand the circumstances in which such practices are most effective. Another novel feature of the database is the presentation of information on how individual conservation practices impact multiple water quality concerns. This information will be critical to enabling conservationists and policy makers to avoid (or at least be aware of) undesirable tradeoffs, whereby great efforts are made to improve water quality related to one resource concern (e.g., sediment) but exacerbate problems related to other concerns (e.g., nitrate or SRP). Finally, we note that the Conservation Practice Effectiveness Database can serve as a source of the soft data needed to calibrate simulation models assessing the potential water quality tradeoffs of conservation practices, including those that are still being developed. This database is updated and refined annually.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: 2019 Conservation Practice Effectiveness (CoPE) Database.

    File Name: Conservation_Practice_Effectiveness_2019.xlsx

    Resource Description: This version of the database was published in 2019.




Data contact name

Smith, Doug

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

This database was developed to aid watershed modelers evaluate the impact of conservation practices, particularly novel or developing conservation practices, on runoff or tile drainage water quality. Resource managers may also use this database to screen conservation practices as tools to address water quality concerns. Further, this database can inform decision makers about potential tradeoffs associated with implementing conservation practices, whereby practices implemented to address one resource concern may exacerbate a different resource concern.

Use limitations

This database does not address all resource concerns. It is limited to data available from published sources, so there may be recent or unpublished datasets that are not included.


  • Not specified

ISO Topic Category

  • environment
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

databases; conservation practices; runoff; tile drainage; agricultural land; no-tillage; crop rotation; water management; denitrification; bioreactors; water quality; nitrates; phosphorus; researchers; issues and policy; sediments; simulation models

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 211

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Smith, Douglas; White, Michael; McLellan, Eileen; Pampell, Rehanon; Harmel, Daren (2019). Conservation Practice Effectiveness (CoPE) Database. Ag Data Commons.