The US Department of Agriculture has published several Special Interest Databases (SID) on flavonoids. The most current versions of these databases are maintained at Special Interest Databases on flavonoids. The page contains direct data downloads, and more detailed information for the following USDA Special Interest Databases on Flavonoids:
USDA Database for the Flavonoid Content of Selected Foods, Release 3.2 (November 2015)
USDA Database for the Isoflavone Content of Selected Foods, Release 2.1 (November 2015)
USDA Database for the Proanthocyanidin Content of Selected Foods, Release 2 (2015)
USDA's Expanded Flavonoid Database for the Assessment of Dietary Intakes (September 2014)
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Seema, Bhagwat,; Haytowitz, David B.; Shirley, Wasswa-Kintu, (2023). USDA Special Interest Databases on Flavonoids. Nutrient Data Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, ARS, USDA. Collection.
Bhagwat S., Haytowitz, D.B., and Wasswa-Kintu S. 2014. USDA’s Expanded Flavonoid Database for the assessment of Dietary Intakes. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page: