Amplicon sequencing data for: Heritable genetic differences affect sunflower rhizosphere archaeal, bacterial, and fungal communities across all taxonomic levels
This paper provides insights into the heritability of rhizosphere microbial communities in sunflower inbred lines, useful for researchers in plant genetics, microbiology, and crop breeding. It can guide studies on plant-microbe interactions and help improve crop sustainability.
Use limitations
This paper has no usage restrictions and can be freely cited and applied in relevant research. It provides valuable insights for studies on plant-microbe interactions, microbial diversity, and heritability, and can be used as a resource for further investigations in agriculture and crop breeding.
Bueno de Mesquita, C. P., Keepers, K. G., Kane, N. C., & Hulke, B. S. (in review). Heritable genetic differences affect sunflower rhizosphere archaeal, bacterial, and fungal communities across all taxonomic levels. Plant and Soil.