Ag Data Commons

WeedCast Version 4

posted on 2024-02-13, 13:40 authored by USDA Agricultural Research Service

WeedCast Version 4

The WeedCast Software Suite is a decision aid that currently includes the WeedCast and WheatScout models. These models were created by the USDA ARS and the University of Wisconsin. The software is written in Java and is free to download and use. The source code is released under the GPL.

What is WeedCast?

WeedCast is an easy to use software program that forecasts three types of weed growth: Emergence Potential, Emergence Timing, and Seedling Height. The forcasted data provides valuable information that can be used to aid in making weed management decisions. WeedCast is designed to function with a minimal amount of input.

Select the weed or weeds of interest and the following site properties using list boxes: Last Year's Crop, Tillage System, Soil Type, and Soil Water Content

Enter your local weather information using a simple spreadsheet editor.

Work in progress: Download your weather data!

Enter a date range and click view output to see your forcasts.

Resulting data is displayed in a spreadsheet form and may be graphed from within the program.

What is WheatScout?

WheatScout is a decision aid that predicts the effects of a variety of herbicides on green foxtail and wild oat in wheat crops. It requires similar information to Weedcast, but also requires some scouting information.

Download WeedCast 4.0 now.

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Data contact name

Johnson, Jane

Data contact email


United States Department of Agriculture


  • Not specified

ISO Topic Category

  • environment
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

computer software; models; wheat; oats; herbicides; soil water; soil water content; soil types; meteorological data; weed control; seedlings

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 305

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

USDA Agricultural Research Service (2019). WeedCast Version 4. United States Department of Agriculture.

Usage metrics



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