Bushland ET Calculator
The Bushland Reference ET calculator was developed at the USDA-ARS Conservation and Production Research Laboratory, Bushland, Texas. Although it was designed and developed for use mainly by producers and crop consultants to manage irrigation scheduling, it can also be used in educational training, research, and other practical application. It uses the ASCE Standardized Reference Evapotranspiration (ET) Equation for calculating grass and alfalfa reference ET at hourly and daily time steps. This program uses the more complex equation for estimating clear-sky solar radiation provided in Appendix D of the ASCE-EWRI ET Manual. Users have the option of using single set or time series weather data to calculate reference ET. Daily reference ET can be calculated either by summing the hourly ET values for a given day or by using averages of the climatic data.
Resources in this dataset:
Resource Title: Bushland ET Calculator download page.
File Name: Web Page, url: https://www.ars.usda.gov/research/software/download/?softwareid=Bushland+ET+Calculator&modecode=30-90-05-00
Data contact name
Marek, GaryData contact email
United States Department of AgricultureTheme
- Not specified
ISO Topic Category
- environment
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms
computer software; Agricultural Research Service; Texas; consultants; irrigation scheduling; evapotranspiration; equations; grasses; alfalfa; solar radiation; time series analysis; meteorological dataOMB Bureau Code
- 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service
OMB Program Code
- 005:040 - National Research
ARS National Program Number
- 211
Primary article PubAg Handle
Pending citation
- No
Public Access Level
- Public