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APEX – Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender Model

posted on 2024-02-09, 18:12 authored by Texas A&M AgriLife Research

Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) has components for routing water, sediment, nutrients, and pesticides across complex landscapes and channel systems to the watershed outlet as well as groundwater and reservoir components. A watershed can be subdivided as much as necessary to assure that each subarea is relatively homogeneous in terms of soil, land use, management, and weather. APEX was constructed to evaluate various land management strategies considering sustainability, erosion (wind, sheet, and channel), economics, water supply and quality, soil quality, plant competition, weather, and pests. The routing of water, sediment, nutrient, and pesticide capabilities are some of the most comprehensive available in current landscape-scale models and can be simulated between subareas and channel systems within the model. APEX can perform long-term continuous simulations for modeling the impacts of different nutrient management practices, tillage operations, conservation practices, alternative cropping systems, and other management practices on surface runoff and losses of sediment, nutrients, and other pollutant indicators.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: APEX – Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender Model.

    File Name: Web Page, url:

    Web site for the APEX model: describes components, capabilities, examples of applications, and download links for executables, source code, and supporting tools.




Texas AgriLife Research


Data contact name

Blackland Research and Extension Center

Data contact email


Texas A&M AgriLife Research


  • Not specified

ISO Topic Category

  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

agricultural policy; sediments; nutrients; pesticides; landscapes; watersheds; groundwater; soil; land use; weather; wind; economics; water supply; soil quality; plant competition; pests; abdomen; nutrient management; conservation practices; cropping systems; runoff; pollutants; models; soil erosion models; simulation models; water reservoirs; water quality

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 211
  • 212
  • 215

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Texas A&M AgriLife Research (2017). APEX – Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender Model. Texas A&M AgriLife Research.