WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2 (WIC ITFPS-2): Prenatal, Infant Year 5 Year Datasets
The WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study–2 (WIC ITFPS-2) (also known as the “Feeding My Baby Study”) is a national, longitudinal study that captures data on caregivers and their children who participated in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) around the time of the child’s birth. The study addresses a series of research questions regarding feeding practices, the effect of WIC services on those practices, and the health and nutrition outcomes of children on WIC. Additionally, the study assesses changes in behaviors and trends that may have occurred over the past 20 years by comparing findings to the WIC Infant Feeding Practices Study–1 (WIC IFPS-1), the last major study of the diets of infants on WIC. This longitudinal cohort study has generated a series of reports. These datasets include data from caregivers and their children during the prenatal period and during the children’s first five years of life (child ages 1 to 60 months).
A full description of the study design and data collection methods can be found in Chapter 1 of the Second Year Report (https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/wic-infant-and-toddler-feeding-practices-st...). A full description of the sampling and weighting procedures can be found in Appendix B-1 of the Fourth Year Report (https://fns-prod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/resource-files/WIC-IT...).
Processing methods and equipment used Data in this dataset were primarily collected via telephone interview with caregivers. Children’s length/height and weight data were objectively collected while at the WIC clinic or during visits with healthcare providers. The study team cleaned the raw data to ensure the data were as correct, complete, and consistent as possible.
Study date(s) and duration Data collection occurred between 2013 and 2019. Study spatial scale (size of replicates and spatial scale of study area) Respondents were primarily the caregivers of children who received WIC services around the time of the child’s birth. Data were collected from 80 WIC sites across 27 State agencies.
Level of true replication Unknown
Sampling precision (within-replicate sampling or pseudoreplication) This dataset includes sampling weights that can be applied to produce national estimates. A full description of the sampling and weighting procedures can be found in Appendix B-1 of the Fourth Year Report (https://fns-prod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/resource-files/WIC-IT...). Level of subsampling (number and repeat or within-replicate sampling)
A full description of the sampling and weighting procedures can be found in Appendix B-1 of the Fourth Year Report (https://fns-prod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/resource-files/WIC-IT...).
Study design (before–after, control–impacts, time series, before–after-control–impacts) Longitudinal cohort study.
Description of any data manipulation, modeling, or statistical analysis undertaken Each entry in the dataset contains caregiver-level responses to telephone interviews. Also available in the dataset are children’s length/height and weight data, which were objectively collected while at the WIC clinic or during visits with healthcare providers. In addition, the file contains derived variables used for analytic purposes. The file also includes weights created to produce national estimates. The dataset does not include any personally-identifiable information for the study children and/or for individuals who completed the telephone interviews.
Description of any gaps in the data or other limiting factors Please refer to the series of annual WIC ITFPS-2 reports (https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/infant-and-toddler-feeding-practices-study-2-fourth-year-report) for detailed explanations of the study’s limitations.
Outcome measurement methods and equipment used The majority of outcomes were measured via telephone interviews with children’s caregivers. Dietary intake was assessed using the USDA Automated Multiple Pass Method (https://www.ars.usda.gov/northeast-area/beltsville-md-bhnrc/beltsville-h...). Children’s length/height and weight data were objectively collected while at the WIC clinic or during visits with healthcare providers.
Resources in this dataset:
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Enroll to 60 Months Public Use Data CSV.
File Name: itfps2_enrollto60m_publicuse.csv
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Enroll to 60 Months Public Use Data CSV
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Enroll to 60 Months Public Use Data Codebook.
File Name: ITFPS2_EnrollTo60m_PUF_Codebook.pdf
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Enroll to 60 Months Public Use Data Codebook
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Enroll to 60 Months Public Use Data SAS SPSS STATA R Data.
File Name: ITFP@_Year5_Enroll60_SAS_SPSS_STATA_R.zip
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Enroll to 60 Months Public Use Data SAS SPSS STATA R Data
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Ana to 60 Months Public Use Data CSV.
File Name: ampm_1to60_ana_publicuse.csv
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Ana to 60 Months Public Use Data CSV
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Tot to 60 Months Public Use Data Codebook.
File Name: AMPM_1to60_Tot Codebook.pdf
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Tot to 60 Months Public Use Data Codebook
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Ana to 60 Months Public Use Data Codebook.
File Name: AMPM_1to60_Ana Codebook.pdf
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Ana to 60 Months Public Use Data Codebook
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Ana to 60 Months Public Use Data SAS SPSS STATA R Data.
File Name: ITFP@_Year5_Ana_60_SAS_SPSS_STATA_R.zip
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Ana to 60 Months Public Use Data SAS SPSS STATA R Data
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Tot to 60 Months Public Use Data CSV.
File Name: ampm_1to60_tot_publicuse.csv
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Tot to 60 Months Public Use Data CSV
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Tot to 60 Months Public Use SAS SPSS STATA R Data.
File Name: ITFP@_Year5_Tot_60_SAS_SPSS_STATA_R.zip
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Tot to 60 Months Public Use SAS SPSS STATA R Data
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Food Group to 60 Months Public Use Data CSV.
File Name: ampm_foodgroup_1to60m_publicuse.csv
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Food Group to 60 Months Public Use Data CSV
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Food Group to 60 Months Public Use Data Codebook.
File Name: AMPM_FoodGroup_1to60m_Codebook.pdf
Resource Description: ITFP2 Year 5 Food Group to 60 Months Public Use Data Codebook
Resource Title: ITFP2 Year 5 Food Group to 60 Months Public Use SAS SPSS STATA R Data.
File Name: ITFP@_Year5_Foodgroup_60_SAS_SPSS_STATA_R.zip
Resource Title: WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2 Data File Training Manual.
File Name: WIC_ITFPS-2_DataFileTrainingManual.pdf
USDA-FNS: Contract No. AG-3198-B-11-0020
Data contact name
USDA FNS Office of Policy SupportData contact email
USDA FNS Office of Policy SupportIntended use
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) was established to safeguard the health of low-income pregnant women and infants who are at nutritional risk. The WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study–2 (WIC ITFPS-2)/ “Feeding My Baby Study” captures data on WIC caregivers and their children over the first 9 years of each child’s life to address a series of research questions regarding feeding practices, the effect of WIC services on those practices, and the health and nutrition outcomes of children on WIC. Additionally, the study assesses changes in behaviors and trends that may have occurred over the past 20 years by comparing findings to the WIC Infant Feeding Practices Study–1 (WIC IFPS-1), the last major study of the diets of infants on WIC. WIC ITFPS-2 includes a series of reports. All WIC ITFPS-2 datasets include information on household sociodemographic characteristics. The Infant Year (Year 1) dataset focuses on breastfeeding intention, initiation and duration, and the introduction of complementary foods. Subsequent datasets (Second Year, Third Year, Fourth Year, and Fifth Year) focus on children’s dietary intakes, weight status, WIC participation status, and household characteristics. Table 1-1 in the Fifth Year Report (https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/wic-infant-and-toddler-feeding-practices-study-2-fifth-year-report) offers additional detail on topics covered at each interview month.Use limitations
Most data were obtained via telephone interviews with children’s caregivers and are not verified against administrative records, thus data are subject to recall bias. Please refer to the series of annual WIC ITFPS-2 reports (https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/infant-and-toddler-feeding-practices-study-2-fourth-year-report) for detailed explanations of the study’s limitations.Temporal Extent Start Date
2021-07-01Temporal Extent End Date
- Not specified
Geographic Coverage
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United StatesISO Topic Category
- health
- society
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms
data collection; longitudinal studies; caregivers; children; WIC Program; women; infants; infant feeding; cohort studies; prenatal development; interviews; food intake; breast feeding; nutrition education; USDAOMB Bureau Code
- 005:84 - Food and Nutrition Service
OMB Program Code
- 005:040 - National Research
Pending citation
- No
Public Access Level
- Public