Ag Data Commons

USDA-ARS Colorado Maize Water Productivity Dataset 2008-2011

posted on 2024-02-08, 19:54 authored by Thomas TroutThomas Trout

The USDA-Agricultural Research Service carried out a water productivity field trial for irrigated maize (Zea mays L.) at the Limited Irrigation Research Farm (LIRF) facility in northeastern Colorado in 2008 through 2011. The dataset includes daily measurements of irrigation, precipitation, soil water storage, and plant growth; daily estimates of crop evapotranspiration; and seasonal measurement of crop water use and crop yield. Soil parameters and hourly and daily weather data are also provided. The dataset can be useful to validate and refine maize crop models.

The data are presented in spreadsheet format. The primary data files are the four annual LIRF Maize 20xx.xlsx files that include the daily water balance and phenology, final yield and biomass data, and crop management logs. Annual LIRF Weather 20xx.xlsx files provide hourly and daily weather parameters including reference evapotranspiration. The LIRF Soils.xlsx file gives soil parameters. Each spreadsheet contains a Data Descriptions worksheet that provides worksheet or column specific information. Comments are embedded in cells with specific information. A LIRF photos.pdf file provides images of the experimental area, measurement processes and crop conditions.

Photo credit Peggy Greb, ARS; copyright-free, public domain copyright policy.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: LIRF Weather 2008.

    File Name: LIRF Weather 2008.xlsx

    Resource Description: LIRF hourly and daily weather data for 2008

  • Resource Title: LIRF Weather 2009.

    File Name: LIRF Weather 2009.xlsx

    Resource Description: LIRF hourly and daily weather data for 2009

  • Resource Title: LIRF Weather 2010.

    File Name: LIRF Weather 2010.xlsx

    Resource Description: LIRF hourly and daily weather data for 2010

  • Resource Title: LIRF Weather 2011.

    File Name: LIRF Weather 2011.xlsx

    Resource Description: LIRF hourly and daily weather data for 2011

  • Resource Title: LIRF Soils.

    File Name: LIRF Soils.xlsx

    Resource Description: LIRF soil maps, soil texture, moisture retention, and chemical constituents

  • Resource Title: LIRF Photo Log.

    File Name: LIRF Photo Log.pdf

    Resource Description: Photos of the LIRF Water Productivity field trials and instrumentation.

  • Resource Title: Data Dictionaries.

    File Name: DataDictionary r1.xlsx

    Resource Description: Data descriptions of all the data resources (also included in their respective data files).

  • Resource Title: LIRF Methodology.

    File Name: LIRF Methodology r1.pdf

    Resource Description: Description of data files, data, and data collection methodology for the LIRF 2008-2011 Water Productivity field trials.

  • Resource Title: LIRF Maize 2008.

    File Name: LIRF Maize 2008 r1.xlsx

    Resource Description: Water balance and yield data for 2008 LIRF field trial

  • Resource Title: LIRF Maize 2009.

    File Name: LIRF Maize 2009 r1.xlsx

    Resource Description: Water balance and yield data for 2009 LIRF field trial

  • Resource Title: LIRF Maize 2010.

    File Name: LIRF Maize 2010 r1.xlsx

    Resource Description: Water balance and yield data for 2010 LIRF field trial

  • Resource Title: LIRF Maize 2011.

    File Name: LIRF Maize 2011 r1.xlsx

    Resource Description: Water balance and yield data for 2011 LIRF field trial




Data contact name

Trout, Thomas

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

Primary use is to improve or validate agricultural crop (maize) models.

Use limitations

Limitations are noted in the dataset files. Data is from field/plot scale field research.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • irregular


  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

N.E. of Greeley Colorado; 40°26’ N, 104°38’ W,

ISO Topic Category

  • environment
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

corn; evapotranspiration; irrigation; soil; phylogeny; data collection; on-farm research; biomass production; plant growth; crop yield; field experimentation; meteorological data; Zea mays; crop management; soil water storage; soil water

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 211

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Trout, Thomas (2016). USDA-ARS Colorado Maize Water Productivity Dataset 2008-2011. Ag Data Commons.