Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest 15 minute streamflow data: 2nd edition
Version 2 2025-01-22, 04:52Version 2 2025-01-22, 04:52
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posted on 2025-01-22, 04:52authored byLance S. Glasgow, Helen Y. Smith, Robert E. Keane, David K. Wright, Elaine K. Sutherland
This data publication contains average 15 minute streamflow data from September 2000 to September 2015 for 11 gauges located in the upper Tenderfoot Creek watershed on the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest. These data include streamflow measurements in multiple locations on Tenderfoot Creek and seven major sub-watersheds flowing into the Tenderfoot Creek drainage. These sub-watersheds are Sun Creek, Spring Park Creek, Bubbling Creek, Stringer Creek, Pack Creek, Passionate Creek and Lonesome Creek. Two sub-watersheds, Sun Creek and Spring Park Creek, had experimental shelterwood harvests in 1999 and 2000. Portions of these units were prescribed burned between 2001 and 2003. Two adjacent sub-watersheds, Bubbling Creek and Stringer Creek, serve as control units for the silvicultural treatments (McCaughey et al. 2006). The Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest was established in 1961 as an experimental watershed in representative lodgepole pine forest common east of the Continental Divide. Hydrologic and climatologic monitoring sites were established in the early 1990's to monitor environmental effects of various silvicultural methods used to restore and regenerate healthy lodgepole pine forests. Tenderfoot Creek is a major tributary of the Smith and Missouri rivers, thus providing an important hydrologic resource for much of central Montana. Streamflow correlates with sediment flow and stream nutrient data also collected on this experimental forest (see Cross-Reference section for access to these data).
This data publication is a second edition (available 09/25/2013) and includes all of the data in the first edition, with some data edits, and three additional years of data (up through 2012). Data edits include estimates for missing data as well as the addition of data flags added to indicate unreliable data. On 10/27/2015 an additional three years of data were added (up through 2015), along with minor updates to the metadata. None of the previously archived data were modified.
Minor metadata updates on 12/20/2016.
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Use limitations
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:
Glasgow, Lance S.; Smith, Helen Y.; Keane, Robert E.; Wright, David K.; Sutherland, Elaine K. 2013. Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest 15 minute streamflow data. 2nd Edition. Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Data publication updated 27 October 2015. https://doi.org/10.2737/RDS-2010-0003.2
The Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest comprises 9125 acres in the Little Belt Mountains on the Lewis and Clark National Forest about 25 miles north of White Sulphur Springs, Montana. The experi...