Streamflow data for the Priest River Experimental Forest
posted on 2025-01-22, 00:02authored byTimothy E. Link, Liang Wei, Robert J. Denner
Streamflow data have been collected at the Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF) since 1939. A number of different devices have been used over the years to record these data, ranging from mechanical strip charts to electronic water level sensors connected to electronic data loggers. This resulted in a variety of formats ranging from undigitized strip charts, handwritten tabular data sheets, digitized printed records and several electronic formats which are now in a common electronic format. Streamflow data from the Benton Dam gauging station were integrated to provide daily average flow from 1955 through present and monthly average flow from 1939 through present. Synthesis of the streamflow data into a common electronic format was the primary purpose of this effort. Prior to this, the data was in a variety of formats and media which made it difficult to analyze long-term trends in flow and its relationship to climate variables. The conversion of the data to one electronic data file resulted in a user-friendly format that will support a variety of analytical techniques. The processes used to collate the data, as described by Dr. Link and Mr. Wei, could serve as an example to others that face a similar problem. Priest River Experimental Forest website: //
Original metadata date was 01/26/2015. Minor metadata updates on 12/14/2016.
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the citation below when citing the data product:
Link, Timothy E.; Wei, Liang; Denner, Robert J. 2015. Streamflow data for the Priest River Experimental Forest. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
Within the Priest River Experimental Forest, a watershed of 384 hectares (950 acres) drains through the Benton Creek gauging dam. The minimum altitude is at the gauging dam is 819 meters (m); the...