Ag Data Commons

RxCADRE 2011 and 2012: Ignition data

posted on 2025-01-22, 02:19 authored by Andrew T. Hudak, Benjamin C. Bright, Brett W. Williams, J. Kevin Hiers
The Prescribed Fire Combustion and Atmospheric Dynamics Research Experiment (RxCADRE) was designed to collect atmospheric, fuels, fire behavior, energy balance, emissions, and fire effects data to evaluate and advance fire models and further our understanding of fire science questions. This data package contains a geodatabase with the position and time of either helicopters that dispensed aerially delivered, delayed-ignition devices in 2011 or all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) in 2012 on which were mounted drip torches. These five prescribed surface fires were operational burns conducted at Eglin Air Force Base near Valparaiso, Florida. On 6 February and 8 February 2011, forested blocks 703C and 608A were burned, respectively. On 4 November and 10 November 2012, non-forested blocks L1G and L2G were burned, respectively, and on 11 November 2012, forested block L2F was burned. Data are available as both points and line segments.
These are important ancillary data for fire and smoke modelers, who need to know the timing and location of ignitions to understand and model fire behavior, fire spread, and smoke plume dynamics. As such, these data will help to develop synergies between the fuel, atmospheric conditions, fire behavior, radiative energy, smoke generation, and fire effects measurements for fire model development and evaluation.
A short summary of the RxCADRE project can be found in the full data publication download (\Supplements\RxCADRE_Project_Overview.pdf). Information about the RxCADRE project can also be found here: Original metadata date was 11/30/2017. On 05/31/2018 the geodatabase was updated to include ATV_B70L2F_ignition 3 data, which was originally missing.




Data contact name

Andrew T. Hudak

Data contact email


Forest Service Research Data Archive

Use limitations

These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation: Hudak, Andrew T.; Bright, Benjamin C.; Williams, Brett W.; Hiers, J. Kevin. 2017. RxCADRE 2011 and 2012: Ignition data. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive. Updated 31 May 2018.


  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage

{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-86.86566, 30.6582], [-86.86566, 30.49661], [-86.25798, 30.49661], [-86.25798, 30.6582], [-86.86566, 30.6582]]]}, "properties": {}}]}

Geographic location - description

Data were collected for prescribed fires at Eglin Air Force Base, approximately 13 kilometers (km) northeast of Valparaiso, Florida. Sites include: 703C, 608A, L1G, L2G, and L2F.

ISO Topic Category

  • environment

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

Forestry, Wildland Management

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:96 - Forest Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:059 - Management Activities

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

