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Phytophthora citricola strain:P0716 Genome sequencing and assembly

posted on 2024-06-11, 07:13 authored by Contact; Gloria Abad Z, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-S&T
The reference sequences derived from type specimens serve to label with the correct and most up-to-date species name. The Ex-type material are cultures and duplicates of the Type and deposited in additional culture collections. In order to make robust and correct molecular identification and diagnostic systems, it is crucial to have information from the Ex-type specimens for accurate comparisons. Sequencing records at the NCBI indicate that citrus and hybrid verbena are hosts of this pathogen, although the species is reported associated to 75 genera in 38 families. Most isolates identified as P. citricola prior to 2009 are most likely to correspond to Phytophthora plurivora or P. pini. Here we report the whole-genome sequence for the Ex-type of Phytophthora citricola CPHST-BL #34 duplicate of P0716 (World Oomycetes/Phytophthora Collection) generated using 3G ultra-long sequencing via the MinION platform from Oxford Nanopore Technology. The quality filtered 2,403,276 reads were assembled in contigs, total length 50 Mb.


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BioProject Curation Staff


National Center for Biotechnology Information

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • Non-geospatial

ISO Topic Category

  • biota

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

genomics; sequence analysis; genome

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Accession Number


Preferred dataset citation

It is recommended to cite the accession numbers that are assigned to data submissions, e.g. the GenBank, WGS or SRA accession numbers. If individual BioProjects need to be referenced, state that "The data have been deposited with links to BioProject accession number PRJNA555328 in the NCBI BioProject database ("

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