Perennial grass recovery following livestock overgazing and shrub removal: an experiment at the Jornada Experimental Range (Jornada Basin LTER), 1996-2016
The objective of this ongoing study is to determine the effect of cattle grazing and shrub removal on the decline and recovery of perennial grasses in a mesquite-invaded black grama grassland on sandy soils in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. The experiment was implemented as a randomized complete block with 3 levels of grazing (summer, winter, and control) and 2 levels of shrub treatment (shrub removal and control) in each of 3 replicate blocks. The 18 experimental units are 0.5 ha (70 x 70 m) exclosures constructed in a mesquite-invaded black grama grassland in the southwest portion of the Jornada Experimental Range in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, USA. Vegetation sampling was conducted with the line-point intercept method. Initial pre-treatment sampling occurred in 1996. Grazing treatments removed 65-80% of aboveground perennial grass biomass over 24-36 hour periods in each of four years from summer 1996 to winter 2000; shrub removal occurred during this time as well. No livestock grazing or shrub removal have occurred since 2000. Post-treatment sampling occurred in 2002, 2009, and 2016.
Resources in this dataset:
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Webpage with information and links to data files for download
National Science Foundation
Data contact name
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Environmental Data Initiative (EDI)Use limitations
This data package is released to the “public domain” under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 “No Rights Reserved” (see: It is considered professional etiquette to provide attribution of the original work if this data package is shared in whole or by individual components. A generic citation is provided for this data package on the website (herein “website”) in the summary metadata page. Communication (and collaboration) with the creators of this data package is recommended to prevent duplicate research or publication. This data package (and its components) is made available “as is” and with no warranty of accuracy or fitness for use. The creators of this data package and the website shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misinterpretation or misuse of the data package or its components. Periodic updates of this data package may be available from the website. Thank you.Temporal Extent Start Date
1996-01-24Temporal Extent End Date
- Not specified
Geographic Coverage
{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-106.833181,32.589161]},"type":"Feature","properties":{}}]}Geographic location - description
Pasture 9, Jornada Experimental Range, Dona Any County, New Mexico, Usa. More Detailed Geographic Information Can Be Requested From The Data Manager.ISO Topic Category
- farming
- environment
- biota
- climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
- geoscientificInformation
Ag Data Commons Group
- Jornada Experimental Range
- Long-Term Agroecosystem Research
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms
agroecosystems; rangelands; sustainable agricultural intensificationOMB Bureau Code
- 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service
OMB Program Code
- 005:040 - National Research
ARS National Program Number
- 216
Pending citation
- No
Public Access Level
- Public