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Perdita meconis Genome sequencing and assembly

posted on 2024-06-11, 07:00 authored by United States Department of Agriculture
The Mojave poppy bee, Perdtia meconis (Hymenoptera: Anthophila: Andrenidae) is a bee species of conservation concern that is restricted to desert environments in southern California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. It is a specialist pollinator of poppy plants and is being considered for listing under the US Endangered Species Act along with one of its host plants, the Mojave bear poppy Arctomecon californica. Here we present the first draft genome of the Mojave poppy bee in an effort to provide a genomic resource that will aid conservation efforts and future research. We also highlight how high-quality genome data can be generated from small, improperly preserved specimens using the latest PacBio sequencing instrument and reagents and discuss how this finding opens the door to biodiversity genomics. This genome represents the first genome of any bee in the family Andrenidae and one of only a few genomes of pollinator specialist bees. We compare the genome of Perdita meconis with other available bee genomes and describe the major similarities and differences.


Data contact name

BioProject Curation Staff


National Center for Biotechnology Information

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • Non-geospatial

ISO Topic Category

  • biota

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

genomics; sequence analysis; genome assembly

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Accession Number


Preferred dataset citation

It is recommended to cite the accession numbers that are assigned to data submissions, e.g. the GenBank, WGS or SRA accession numbers. If individual BioProjects need to be referenced, state that "The data have been deposited with links to BioProject accession number PRJNA923015 in the NCBI BioProject database ("

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