Ag Data Commons

Pacific Southwest Region (Region 5) Geospatial Data

posted on 2023-11-30, 08:12 authored by USDA Forest Service

The Pacific Southwest Region has geospatial datasets available for download from this website. These datasets are zipped personal or file geodatabases created using ESRI ArcGis 10.0 software. Additional descriptive information as well as data steward contact information, for each geodatabase, can be found under the metadata link.

State Level Datasets Existing Vegetation, Fire History, Fire Return Interval Departure, Direct Protection Areas, and other California extent data sets.

Region Level Datasets Forest Activities (FACTS), Vegetation Burn Severity, Allotments and other Regional extent datasets.

Forest Planning & Monitoring Datasets Land Manangement Plans, including the Draft Early Adopters (Inyo, Sierra and Sequia National Forests)

Forest Datasets Transportation and land suitability class data are available.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Pacific Southwest Region Geospatial Data.

    File Name: Web Page, url:

    The Pacific Southwest Region has geospatial datasets available for download from this website. They include State Level Datasets, Region Level Datasets, Forest Planning & Monitoring Datasets, and Forest Datasets. Freeware, like 7-Zip, for decompressing (unzipping) the geodatabases can be found by utilizing a search engine; as can freeware, like ArcGis Explorer Desktop, for viewing the geospatial data

    Resource Software Recommended: 7-Zip,url:

  • Resource Title: Pacific Southwest Region Geospatial Data.

    File Name: Web Page, url:

    The Pacific Southwest Region has geospatial datasets available for download from this website. They include State Level Datasets, Region Level Datasets, Forest Planning & Monitoring Datasets, and Forest Datasets. Freeware, like 7-Zip, for decompressing (unzipping) the geodatabases can be found by utilizing a search engine; as can freeware, like ArcGis Explorer Desktop, for viewing the geospatial data

    Resource Software Recommended: ArcGIS Explorer Desktop,url:


U.S. Forest Service


Data contact name

Moore, Randy

Data contact email


USDA Forest Service


  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Pacific Southwest

ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • boundaries
  • environment
  • imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
  • location

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

spatial data; Internet; data collection; computer software; United States; forests; USDA Forest Service; vegetation; fire history; California; forest management; monitoring; national forests; transportation; land suitability; recreation; planning; ecological restoration; tree mortality; private forestry; aviation

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:96 - Forest Service

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

USDA Forest Service (2018). Pacific Southwest Region (Region 5) Geospatial Data. USDA Forest Service.