Ag Data Commons

P-TRAP Phosphorus Transport Reduction App

posted on 2024-02-13, 14:30 authored by Chad Penn, Jim Frankenberger

The P-TRAP software allows a user to design different types of phosphorus removal structures based on site conditions, phosphorus absorbing material characteristics and structure parameters. The P-TRAP software allows users to explore different designs to meet performance goals for P removal amounts and material lifetime. A database of P absorbing material characteristics is included based on previous laboratory experiments.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Website Pointer to P-TRAP Phosphorus Transport Reduction App .

    File Name: Web Page, url:

    The P-Trap ("Phosphorus Transport Reduction") software streamlines the process by asking the user to enter four basic categories of information, starting with a drop-down menu offering different design options. The program then calculates specifications for building the structure based on data the user entered, including expected water-flow rates, annual volume, dissolved phosphorus concentration in water, drainage ditch depth and slope, pipe diameter and desired phosphorus removal rate.




Data contact name

Penn, Chad

Data contact email


National Soil Erosion Research Lab.

Intended use

A decision aid for which phosphorus removal system is best for a specific farm operation or crop field configuration, or to evaluate the effectiveness of an existing system design, and offer recommendations to improve it.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description


ISO Topic Category

  • environment
  • farming
  • geoscientificInformation

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

computer software; phosphorus; databases; laboratory experimentation; agricultural runoff; subsurface drainage; Agricultural Research Service; production technology; plant growth; surface water; lakes; streams; rivers; algal blooms; recreation; farms; soil; soil erosion; water flow; dissolved phosphorus; drainage channels; fertilizers; animal manures; crops; tile drainage; algae; water quality; iron oxides; cropland; wastewater treatment; cost effectiveness

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 211

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Penn, Chad; Frankenberger, Jim (2020). P-TRAP Phosphorus Transport Reduction App. National Soil Erosion Research Lab..