Ag Data Commons

National Animal Nutrition Program (NANP) Feed Composition Database

posted on 2024-02-13, 13:05 authored by National Animal Nutrition Program

This database was developed by the Feed Composition Sub-Committee and serves as a freely-available, centralized resource for up-to-date nutrient composition data for feedstuffs commonly fed to animal species. There are currently 123 ingredients and 129 nutrients represented in the database with the following categories:

  • Animal Proteins
  • By-products and Others
  • Forages, Grain Crops
  • Forages, Legumes and Grasses
  • Grain Products
  • Oilseeds and Plant Proteins
  • Minerals
  • Fats and Oils

Feed and Ingredient Information is presented as Tables of chemical composition and nutritional value for an extensive list of feed nutrient constituents. The tables include Nutrient, Mean, Number of Samples (n), Standard Deviation (SD), Coefficient of Variation (CV), and 10th / 90th Percentile values for Energy and Mineral components.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Website Pointer to NANP Feed Composition and Modeling Databases.

    File Name: Web Page, url:

    This database was developed by the Feed Composition Sub-Committee and serves as a freely-available, centralized resource for up-to-date nutrient composition data for feedstuffs commonly fed to animal species. There are currently 123 ingredients and 129 nutrients represented in the database.

    Users can search for an ingredient name or browse the following ingredient categories:

    • Animal proteins: Feeds and by-products derived from livestock, poultry, dairy, and (or) aquaculture industries. Feeds in this category are a good source of protein (average crude protein > 50%) and limiting amino acids, lysine, methionine, and tryptophan.

    • By-products and Others: By-products from the human food and ethanol industries used as animal feeds. Feeds in this category contain mostly by-products from cereal milling (corn, wheat, and rice), sugar manufacturing (cane, and beet), brewing process (grain and yeast residues), and exotic feeds (i.e., cassava and copra); as well as distiller’s grains from several cereals (corn, barley, sorghum and wheat). Nutrient composition for feeds within this category vary.

    • Forages, Grain Crops: Feeds containing the aerial part and (often) the grain of cereal plants. Feeds in this category include fresh forages, hay and silages for corn, rye, sorghum, sudan-grass, wheat, and triticale plants classified by maturity level (immature, mid-maturity and mature. Grain crop forages offer a good source of highly digestible carbohydrates (starch) and fiber (NDF and ADF) for ruminant nutrition.

    • Forages, Legumes and Grasses: Feeds containing the aerial part of legume plants, grasses and other less common forages. Feeds in this category include fresh forages, hay and silages for legumes, cool-season grasses, and legume-grass mixtures classified by maturity level (immature, mid-maturity and mature). Unlike other categories forages were classified by type and not by species, because conservation method and maturity level are more important than specific species to determine forage quality. Legumes forages (alfalfa and clover) are a good source of protein for ruminants.

    • Grain Products: Feed category comprising seeds from cereals such as barley, corn, oat, rice, rye, sorghum triticale and wheat. Seeds could be whole or ground. Cereals are a good source of highly digestible carbohydrates (starch) used in both non-ruminant and ruminant nutrition.

    • Oilseeds and Plant Proteins: Feed category comprising oilseeds (seeds with high fat content); by-products from the oil industry such as mechanical and solvent extracted oilseed meals and other seeds such as beans and peas. This feed category contain feeds with high protein-content. The crude protein content for beans, field peas and peas > 20%, oilseed > 40%, oilseed meals > 45%.


USDA-NIFA: Hatch funds

USDA: National Research Support Project (NRSP-9)


Data contact name

Dilger, Ryan Neil

Data contact email


National Animal Nutrition Program

Intended use

To disseminate science-based information on animal nutrition to facilitate high-priority research among agricultural species.


  • Not specified

ISO Topic Category

  • farming
  • health

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

animal nutrition; feed composition; databases; ingredients; nutritive value; nutrient requirements; dairy cattle; energy; food and nutrition programs; nutrient content; feeds; livestock; beef; poultry; swine; nutrients; animal proteins; byproducts; forage; grain crops; legumes; grasses; grain products; oilseeds; plant proteins; minerals; lipids; oils; statistical analysis; models; nutrition

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:00 - Department of Agriculture

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

National Animal Nutrition Program (2018). National Animal Nutrition Program (NANP) Feed Composition Database. National Animal Nutrition Program.

Usage metrics


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