Marcell Experimental Forest peatland and upland water table elevations: 2nd edition
Version 2 2025-01-22, 04:53Version 2 2025-01-22, 04:53
Version 1 2025-01-22, 03:58Version 1 2025-01-22, 03:58
posted on 2025-01-22, 04:53authored byStephen D. Sebestyen, Elon S. Verry, Arthur E. Elling, Richard L. Kyllander, Daniel T. Roman, Jacob M. Burdick, Nina K. Lany, Randall K. Kolka
This data publication contains water table elevation data collected at the Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF). Monthly upland ground water table elevation data (1962 - ongoing) were collected from upland monitoring wells in six watersheds (with peatlands) instrumented for hydrologic monitoring. Also included are daily water table elevation data (1961 - ongoing) collected from seven peatlands also instrumented for hydrologic monitoring. Additionally, daily water table elevations are provided for upland well 305 (1967 - 2017). The Marcell Experimental Forest in Itasca County, Minnesota is operated and maintained by the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, and was formally established in 1962 to study the ecology and hydrology of peatlands. The Marcell Experimental Forest was formally established in 1962. The MEF contains six watersheds (and other study sites), each consisting of an upland portion and a peatland that is the source of a stream leaving the watershed. The watersheds and environmental monitoring at the MEF are part of a long-term research program on the hydrology and biogeochemistry of watersheds with uplands and northern peatlands (Kolka et al. 2011). Additional information about the MEF, its instrumentation, and data can be found at and in Sebestyen et al. (2011).
This data publication is a second edition that was made available on 02/24/2021. This newer edition includes additional years of data and additional information provided in the metadata.
Note: these data are also provided via multiple data publications through the Environmental Data Initiative (see references below).
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:
Sebestyen, Stephen D.; Verry, Elon S.; Elling, Arthur E.; Kyllander, Richard L.; Roman, Daniel T.; Burdick, Jacob M.; Lany, Nina K.; Kolka, Randall K. 2021. Marcell Experimental Forest peatland and upland water table elevations. 2nd Edition. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
The USDA Forest Service Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF) is an 1140-hectare tract of land located 40 kilometers north of Grand Rapids in Balsam Township, Itasca County, Minnesota, USA.
MEF Well...