Version 3 2025-01-22, 04:57Version 3 2025-01-22, 04:57
Version 2 2025-01-22, 04:52Version 2 2025-01-22, 04:52
Version 1 2025-01-22, 03:58Version 1 2025-01-22, 03:58
posted on 2025-01-22, 03:58authored byLance A. Asherin
This data set contains hourly meteorological data collected at the Manitou Experimental Forest (MEF) near Woodland Park, Colorado from June 1998 through 2014. Data include hourly average air temperature, relative humidity, photo-synthetically active radiation (PAR), wind direction and speed, as well as rainfall. Also included are hourly average ground temperatures measured at 2, 8, and 20 inches below ground. The Manitou Experimental Forest is part of the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. Established in 1936, its early research focused on range and watershed management. Currently, ecologic research at the site continues to expand our knowledge of the history, structure, and potential development of Colorado Front Range forests. Additional information about the Manitou Experimental Forest can be found at //
Original metadata date was 03/23/11. Minor changes made to metadata on 05/09/2013 when this data publication became available through the Forest Service Research Data Archive. Data for 2011 and 2012 were added to this data publication on 08/20/2013, and the metadata updated accordingly. Data for 2013 and 2014 were added on 04/07/2015, and the metadata updated accordingly. It is important to note that on 03/18/2016 the units for the three ground temperature measurements were updated. They were originally incorrectly noted as being measured in degrees Fahrenheit, but are in fact measurements of degrees Celsius. The metadata were also updated to point to the second edition of these data, which became available in March 2016 (Asherin 2016; This new edition includes an additional year of data and corrections to erroneous ground temperature measurements. We recommend the use of the 2nd edition of these data. Minor metadata updates on 11/29/2016.
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Use limitations
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:
Asherin, Lance A. 2011. Manitou Experimental Forest hourly meteorology data. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Data publication updated 18 March 2016.
The Manitou Experimental Forest is located 28 miles northwest of Colorado Springs, Colorado, and covers about 17,000 acres in the South Platte River drainage. The Forest is representative of the m...