Ag Data Commons

Manduca sexta Official Gene Set v2.0

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posted on 2024-02-15, 19:49 authored by Michael KanostMichael Kanost, Gary Blissard, Stephen Richards, Susan Brown, Alexie Papanicolaou, Nicolae Herndon, Haobo Jiang

Manduca sexta, known as the tobacco hornworm or Carolina sphinx moth, is a lepidopteran insect that is used extensively as a model system for research in insect biochemistry, physiology, neurobiology, development, and immunity. One important benefit of this species as an experimental model is its extremely large size, reaching more than 10 g in the larval stage. M. sexta larvae feed on solanaceous plants and thus must tolerate a substantial challenge from plant allelochemicals, including nicotine.

The official gene set is comprised of 15,451 protein-coding genes, of which 2498 were manually curated. Extensive RNA-seq data from many tissues and developmental stages were used to improve gene models and for insights into gene expression patterns. Genome wide synteny analysis indicated a high level of macrosynteny in the Lepidoptera. Annotation and analyses were carried out for gene families involved in a wide spectrum of biological processes, including apoptosis, vacuole sorting, growth and development, structures of exoskeleton, egg shells, and muscle, vision, chemosensation, ion channels, signal transduction, neuropeptide signaling, neurotransmitter synthesis and transport, nicotine tolerance, lipid metabolism, and immunity.

This dataset presents the Manduca sexta Official Gene Set (OGS) v2.0. It is predicted from genome assembly Msex_1.0 (GCA_000262585.1).

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Manduca sexta Official Gene Set v2.0.

    File Name: mansex_OGSv2.0.tar.gz

    Resource Description: The attached tar.gz archive (mansex_OGSv2.0.tar.gz) contains the following files:

    ms_ogs.gff. Gff3 file of all gene predictions of Manduca sexta genome annotations OGSv2.0 ms_ogs_transcripts.fa. Transcript sequences of Manduca sexta genome annotations OGSv2.0 ms_ogs_proteins.fa. Amino acid sequences of Manduca sexta genome annotations OGSv2.0 ms_evidence/. Evidence tracks produced by the MAKER software.


National Institutes of Health: GM041247

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency


Data contact name

Kanost, Michael

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

This genome sequence, annotation, and analysis provide an important new resource from a well-studied model insect species and will facilitate further biochemical and mechanistic experimental studies of many biological systems in insects.

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


ISO Topic Category

  • biota

Ag Data Commons Group

  • Insects - i5K

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

genomics; genes; prediction; genome assembly; sequence analysis; genome; Manduca sexta; insects; models; insect biochemistry; immunity; insect larvae; allelochemicals; nicotine; tissues; gene expression regulation; apoptosis; vacuoles; exoskeleton; egg shell; muscles; vision; ion channels; signal transduction; neuropeptides; neurotransmitters; lipid metabolism

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Kanost, Michael R.; Blissard, Gary; Richards, Stephen; Brown, Susan; Papanicolaou, Alexie; Herndon, Nicolae; Jiang, Haobo (2019). Manduca sexta Official Gene Set v2.0. Ag Data Commons.

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