Louisiana Sugarcane yield data (2010-2021) collected for the Louisiana Variety Development Program
The experiment materials used in this study were sugarcane genotypes used and/or developed by the Louisiana sugarcane breeding programs of the Louisiana State University (LSU) Agricultural Center and Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture Sugarcane League. Yield data was taken by representatives of all three groups from sugarcane variety trials for use in breeding and selection of sugarcane for Louisiana. Data was estimated from sugarcane samples taken from 32 locations (LOC), varying over 12 years 2010-2021 (YEAR) for four stages (2-5) of the breeding program (STAGE) and 1158 unique genotypes (CLONE) with up to 5 harvests or crops (CROP) and varying number of replications (REPS). Yield data included T_SPACRE, pounds of sugar per acre (lbs./acre), TRS, theoretical recoverable sugar in pound sugar per ton of sugarcane (lbs./ton); TCA, ton of cane per acre (ton/acre); POPN, stalk population number (#); MSTWT, mean stalk weight (lbs).
American Sugarcane League: 00010949
USDA-NIFA: 7006617
Data contact name
Todd, JamesData contact email
Ag Data CommonsIntended use
Sugarcane Yield Data for breedingTemporal Extent Start Date
2010-09-01Temporal Extent End Date
- Non-geospatial
ISO Topic Category
- farming
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms
Louisiana; plant breeding; sugarcane; genotype; breeding programs; variety trials; crops; sugars; crop yieldOMB Bureau Code
- 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service
OMB Program Code
- 005:040 - National Research
ARS National Program Number
- 301
Pending citation
- No
Public Access Level
- Public