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OGSv1.3.tar.gz (8.79 MB)

Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set v1.3

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Version 2 2024-02-16, 14:19
Version 1 2024-02-15, 19:33
posted on 2024-02-16, 14:19 authored by Helen Poynton, Peter Bain, Joshua B. Benoit, Peter Boucher, Mei-Ju May Chen, Shuai Chen, Li-Mei Chiang, Andrew E. Christie, Joseph Connolly, Andrew Cridge, Amaia Etxabe, Amanda Glazier, Simone Hasenbein, Daniel S.T. Hughes, Emily C. Jennings, Jeffery W. Jones, Patrick Kearns, Faith Lambert, Yu-Yu Lin, Charles Major, Austin Manny, Nick Mathers, Alexandra Mechler-Hickson, Monica Munoz-Torres, Monica PoelchauMonica Poelchau, Hugh M. Robertson, Jack Scanlan, Elise M. Szuter, Jack Werren, Shelly Ann Wood, Kristin Winchell, Stephen Richards

This dataset presents the Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set OGSv1.3. This is an update to Official Gene Sets OGSv1.0 and OGSv1.2. Official Gene Set hyaazt_OGSv1.3 was generated by mapping hyaazt_OGSv1.2 ( to assembly GCF_000764305.2 using the program Liftoff v1.6.3 (


National Human Genome Research Institute: U54 HG003273

National Science Foundation: CBET-1437409


Data contact name

Poynton, Helen

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • Not specified

ISO Topic Category

  • biota

Ag Data Commons Group

  • Insects - i5K

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

genomics; genes; nucleotide sequences; sequence analysis

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Poynton, Helen; Bain, Peter; Benoit, Joshua B.; Boucher, Peter; Chen, Mei-Ju May; Chen, Shuai; Chiang, Li-Mei; Christie, Andrew E.; Connolly, Joseph; Cridge, Andrew; Etxabe, Amaia; Glazier, Amanda; Hasenbein, Simone; Hughes, Daniel S.T.; Jennings, Emily C.; Jones, Jeffery W.; Kearns, Patrick; Lambert, Faith; Lin, Yu-Yu; Major, Charles; Manny, Austin; Mathers, Nick; Mechler-Hickson, Alexandra; Munoz-Torres, Monica; Poelchau, Monica; Robertson, Hugh M.; Scanlan, Jack; Szuter, Elise M.; Werren, Jack; Wood, Shelly Ann; Winchell, Kristin; Richards, Stephen (1969). Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set v1.3. .

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