Ag Data Commons

Hopkins U.S. System Index (HUSSI)

posted on 2024-02-08, 19:36 authored by Torolf R. Torgersen, Melvin E. McKnight, James L. Stewart, Christine G. Niwa, Roger L. Sandquist, Jeffrey C. Miller

The Hopkins U.S. System Index (HUSSI) is an information resource for forest entomologists, systematic entomologists, pest management specialists, foresters, and students. It is a collection of notes on thousands of insect and damage specimens from forests or wood products taken mainly in the United States, with some from Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America and other regions. Specimens related to the records are in collections at several USDA Forest Service installations; at the U.S. National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC; and at several universities. The paper-based system, conceptualized by Dr. A.D. Hopkins in 1894 and formally initiated by the USDA in 1902, now contains over 160,000 written records. Some of these records have been digitized as follows.

The database includes information on location, date, taxon, insect and plant host association; other searches, measurements, and quantitative data; and other information in tabular or narrative form. The original database file was designed for importing into dBase, Access, FoxBase, RBase, Paradox, and other XBase-type programs. The data dictionary describes information entered in the 16 fields abstracted from the Hopkins U.S. System records. Then you can structure specific queries and reports that show:

  • Plant hosts
  • Insect hosts
  • Parasites & predators
  • Geographic distribution
  • Collection dates and collectors
  • Location of original written notes
  • Location of insect or damage specimens

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Data files rezipped October 2015.

    File Name:

    Resource Description: The original allwest.exe data package offered by U.S. Forest Service was opened using WinZip 15 (Windows 7) and saved as a zip archive suitable for opening with typical archive utilities on both Windows and Macintosh. Downloaded in October 2015 from Includes: README.TXT : Instructions from TITLPAGE.TXT : Title page. HUSINTRO.TXT : Background information on the Hopkins U.S. System and the Hopkins U.S. System Index (HUSSI). HUSSTAT.TXT : Description of HUSSI files at each repository. HUSREPOS.TXT : List of repositories (as of 1986) for Hopkins U.S. System records described in HUSSI. HUSDTDIC.TXT : Data dictionary for HUSSI records. DBDESAW2.TXT : Description of ALLWEST2 database. ALLWEST2.DBF : HUSSI records from all western USDA Forest Service repositories (as of 1986), except PSWNB records from notebooks at the Pacific Southwest Experiment Station, Berkeley, CA. PSWNB records are in a seperate archive.

  • Resource Title: Flat version of the HUSSI database.

    File Name: ALLWEST2.csv

    Resource Description: The file ALLWEST2.DBF from ALLWEST.EXE was converted to a comma separated values file using LibreOffice This appears to include all 37,198 records with 16 columns as described in the data dictionary. Suitable for use with most applications that can handle CSV input.

  • Resource Title: Original text version of HUSSI data dictionary.

    File Name: HUSDTDIC.TXT

    Resource Description: Included in ALLWEST archive downloaded from Title: Original list of repositories (as of 1986) for Hopkins U.S. System records described in HUSSI..

    File Name: HUSREPOS.TXT

    Resource Description: Included in ALLWEST2 archive downloaded from Expands all the acronyms of the repositories holding physical cards represented in the database.

  • Resource Title: Original README.TXT from the ALLWEST archive.

    File Name: README.TXT

    Resource Description: Original README.TXT from the ALLWEST archive. The explanations appear in the zipped archive, and have been used as a basis for this dataset description. Includes obsolete instructions for using self-extracting archive on Windows 95 and Windows 3.x operating systems.

  • Resource Title: Original Database Description from ALLWEST2 archive.

    File Name: DBDESAW2.TXT

    Resource Description: Included in ALLWEST2 archive downloaded in October 2015 from Title: Original introductory text from ALLWEST2 archive.

    File Name: HUSINTRO.TXT

    Resource Description: Included in ALLWEST archive downloaded in October 2015 from Title: Original title page for HUSSI.

    File Name: TITLPAGE.TXT

    Resource Description: Included in ALLWEST archive downloaded from Title: Original statistics file for HUSSI records .

    File Name: HUSSTAT.TXT

    Resource Description: A description of record types for Hopkins U.S. System files and number of HUSSI records for each repository as of March 1991. Part of the ALLWEST2 archive downloaded October 2015 from


Data contact name

Rugg, David

Data contact email


U.S. Forest Service

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Data primarily from the United States; some from Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America and other regions

ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • environment
  • farming

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:96 - Forest Service

Pending citation

  • No

Related material without URL

Hopkins, A. D. (1894). Note and Record Keeping for the Economic Entomologist. In: Insect life. U.S. Government Printing Office. 103–109

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Torgersen, Torolf R.; McKnight, Melvin E.; Stewart, James L.; Niwa, Christine G.; Sandquist, Roger L.; Miller, Jeffrey C. (2015). Hopkins U.S. System Index (HUSSI). U.S. Forest Service.