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2018_F119_Plot coordinates.csv (23.77 kB)
2018 Logger output metadata.xlsx (22.71 kB)
2018_Wolverine sensor offsets.xlsx (9.19 kB)
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10 files

High-throughput phenotyping data from a proximal sensing cart

posted on 2023-12-19, 14:33 authored by Alison L. Thompson, Matthew M. Conley, Michael Roybal

This data was collected using a proximal sensing cart on an upland cotton population grown in Maricopa, Arizona in 2018. The data contains spectral reflectance from Crop Circle ACS-470 sensors, canopy height from Pepperl+Fuchs UC2000 ultrasonic transducers, and canopy temperature from Apogee SI-131 infrared thermometers. Cart position was recorded by an A101 Hemisphere GNSS receiver, and heading was recorded by a VectorNav VN-100 inertial measurement unit. All data can be matched by the timestamp provided by the Campbell Scientific CR-3000 data logger. Data was collected at a rate of 5Hz with analog signals recorded as 0-5V potentials.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: 2018_F119_Plot coordinates.

    File Name: 2018_F119_Plot coordinates.csv

    Resource Description: This table provides the four corners of the F119 experimental plots in universal transmercator (UTM) coordinates (units of meters). This file is necessary to align the cart collected data with the experimental plots.

  • Resource Title: 2018_Logger output .

    File Name: 2018 Logger output metadata.xlsx

    Resource Description: This file describes the sensors used on the cart and shows their output according to the Campbell Scientific loggers. The file also provides an example of each loggers output with the appropriate sensor output denoted.

  • Resource Title: 2018_Sensor offsets.

    File Name: 2018_Wolverine sensor offsets.xlsx

    Resource Description: This file provides the offset of each sensor from the Hemisphere GNSS receiver in units of meters on the cart. This file is necessary to associate each sensor to each of the four arms on the cart and align that data to the correct plot.

  • Resource Title: 2018_06_01_F119.

    File Name:

    Resource Description: This folder contains the Campbell logger output files (.dat) (see Logger output file for explanation of content), the sensorrun (.txt) file which provides the metadata for that days collection, and the Crop Circle output file (.csv) for the fifth collection of the season on 01 June 2018.

  • Resource Title: 2018_05_11_F119.

    File Name:

    Resource Description: This folder contains the Campbell logger output files (.dat) (see Logger output file for explanation of content), the sensorrun (.txt) file which provides the metadata for that days collection, and the Crop Circle output file (.csv) for the first collection of the season on 11 May 2018.

  • Resource Title: 2018_07_03_F119.

    File Name:

    Resource Description: This folder contains the Campbell logger output files (.dat) (see Logger output file for explanation of content), the sensorrun (.txt) file which provides the metadata for that days collection, and the Crop Circle output file (.csv) for the twelfth collection of the season on 03 July 2018.

  • Resource Title: 2018_05_23_F119.

    File Name:

    Resource Description: This folder contains the Campbell logger output files (.dat) (see Logger output file for explanation of content), the sensorrun (.txt) file which provides the metadata for that days collection, and the Crop Circle output file (.csv) for the third collection on 25 May 2018.

  • Resource Title: 2018_06_13_F119.

    File Name:

    Resource Description: This folder contains the Campbell logger output files (.dat) (see Logger output file for explanation of content), the sensorrun (.txt) file which provides the metadata for that days collection, and the Crop Circle output file (.csv) for the eighth collection on June 13 2018.

  • Resource Title: 2018_07_19_F119.

    File Name:

    Resource Description: This folder contains the Campbell logger output files (.dat) (see Logger output file for explanation of content), the sensorrun (.txt) file which provides the metadata for that days collection, and the Crop Circle output file (.csv) for the collection on 19 July 2018.

  • Resource Title: 2018_08_01_F119.

    File Name:

    Resource Description: This folder contains the Campbell logger output files (.dat) (see Logger output file for explanation of content), the sensorrun (.txt) file which provides the metadata for that days collection, and the Crop Circle output file (.csv) for the collection on 01 August 2018.


Cotton Incorporated: 13-738

USDA-ARS: 2020-2100-013-00D


Data contact name

Thompson, Alison

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

This data set provides the raw, unprocessed data from a proximal sensing cart to be used as a learning tool for geospatial data processing. The expected outcome of this data is to teach students and collaborators about geospatial processing and provide a real dataset by which to develop and validate geospatial processing pipelines.

Use limitations

Occasional drops in the logger communication or GNSS receiver caused some data strings to be incomplete. As this is typical of proximal sensing datasets the strings were retained for training purposes as processing pipelines should be able to deal with incomplete datasets.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • periodic


  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

F119 at Maricopa Agricultural Research Center in Maricopa Arizona, 85138

ISO Topic Category

  • farming
  • geoscientificInformation

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

phenotype; spectral analysis; canopy; canopy height; reflectance; electronic sensing; spatial data; cotton; geospatial data processing

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:00 - Department of Agriculture

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 301

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Thompson, Alison L.; Conley, Matthew M.; Roybal, Michael (2021). High-throughput phenotyping data from a proximal sensing cart. Ag Data Commons.