Ag Data Commons

Genome Database for Vaccinium

posted on 2023-11-30, 08:10 authored by Dorrie S. Main, Sook Jung

The Genome Database for Vaccinium (GDV) is a curated and integrated web-based relational database. The GDV is being developed to house and integrate genomic, genetic and breeding data for blueberry, cranberry and other Vaccinium species. The GDV will include the blueberry genome being sequenced by North Carolina State University, and annotated transcripts, traits, maps and markers being generated by Vaccinium researchers. The GDV is implemented using Chado and Drupal (Tripal) and will include public and private sites to meet individual research group needs.

The amount of genetic research data for Vaccinium is steadily increasing and there is a need for a system that can organize, filter and provide analysis of the available research to be directly applied in breeding programs. The idea of creating this database emerged from several group discussions, in which scientists, breeders, data curators, university professors and bioinformaticians started working on the publicly available genetic and genomic information to make it available for practical use in breeding programs.

The GDV home page allows for quick access to species specific data and popular tools. Tools to view and compare genetic maps, BLAST tool for genomes and reference transcriptomes, and search interfaces to find and download marker, map, QTL, and sequence data are also included. Crop pages have quick links to data and tools in the sidebar, and MapViewer allows for dynamic visualization of genetic maps.

Resources in this dataset:


U.S. Department of Agriculture,

National Institute of Food and Agriculture,

National Science Foundation,

Washington State University,


Data contact name

Main, Dorrie

Data contact email


MainLab Bioinformatics, Washington State University


  • Not specified

ISO Topic Category

  • biota

Ag Data Commons Group

  • AgBioData

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

genome; databases; Vaccinium; breeding; blueberries; cranberries; genomics; Vaccinium arboreum; Vaccinium virgatum; Vaccinium macrocarpon; Vaccinium corymbosum; Vaccinium myrtillus; bilberries; quantitative trait loci; transcriptome; Vaccinium vitis-idaea

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Main, Dorrie S.; Jung, Sook (2018). Genome Database for Vaccinium. MainLab Bioinformatics, Washington State University.