Ag Data Commons
FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021.xlsx (31.98 kB)
FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021_v4_1.csv (58.23 kB)
Data Dictionary Summary Table FSRL 2_4.csv (3.73 kB)
FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021_v4_1_1.xlsx (31.97 kB)
FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021_v4_1_1.csv (58.23 kB)
5 files

Feedstock Readiness Level Evaluations Summary Table v4.1

posted on 2023-11-30, 10:16 authored by Kristin LewisKristin Lewis

Feedstock readiness level evaluations are performed for a specific feedstock-conversion process combination and for a particular region. FSRL evaluations complement evaluations of Fuel Readiness Level (FRL) and environmental progress. The table in this dataset collates the results of the FSRL evaluations listed under the Farm2Fly Ag Data Commons datasets to enable users to quickly identify, review, and compare available evaluations. Evaluation scores are explained in the FSRL Checklist and Template available on the NAL Ag Data Commons - scores range from 1 to 9, with higher values indicating greater maturity of the feedstock in each area of assessment (production, market development, policy evaluation and compliance, and linkage to conversion efficiency). The overall score reflects the lowest maturity area within the four assessment areas.

Summary data files of the compiled evaluations will be added to the repository on a quarterly basis, and are cumulative (the last quarter will contain the compiled evaluation results from the entire year). To access the newest evaluations that are not yet included in the most recent compilation, visit the Farm 2 Fly program page to view all datasets. The date of update/submission is indicated in the title of the file.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021.xls.

    File Name: FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021.xlsx

    Resource Description: FSRL evaluations summary table as of Q3 2021

  • Resource Title: FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021_v4_1.csv.

    File Name: FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021_v4_1.csv

    Resource Description: FSRL evaluations summary table as of Q3 2021

  • Resource Title: FSRL Evaluations Summary Table Data Dictionary.

    File Name: Data Dictionary Summary Table FSRL 2.csv

  • Resource Title: FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021_v4_1_1.xlsx.

    File Name: FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021_v4_1_1.xlsx

    Resource Description: Updated evaluation for this dataset addressing an important typographical error. No special permitting is required for Vernicia fordii production.

  • Resource Title: FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021_v4_1_1.csv.

    File Name: FSRL Evaluations Summary Table_Q3_2021_v4_1_1.csv

    Resource Description: Updated evaluation for this dataset addressing an important typographical error. No special permitting is required for Vernicia fordii production.


U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration


Data contact name

Lewis, Kristin

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

The evaluations are intended to be used for two purposes: first, to enable stakeholders to identify gaps where further research, development or investment may be needed to facilitate readiness of a particular feedstock for a given conversion process, and second, to allow parties interested in developing alternative fuel facilities to understand what feedstocks may be available in the near term in a particular region.

Use limitations

These evaluations are based on individual assessments at a given time and location and are not necessarily definitive or exhaustive.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

United States

ISO Topic Category

  • environment
  • transportation

Ag Data Commons Group

  • Farm 2 Fly

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

bioenergy; fuels; feedstocks; market development; policy analysis; compliance; complement; farms; data collection; corn stover; fuel production; Zea mays; Panicum virgatum; United States; sweet sorghum; Andropogon gerardii; Sorghum bicolor; perennials; grasses; energy; aviation; alternative fuels; Camelina; wheat straw; Beta vulgaris; Brassica carinata; Brassica napus; Camelina sativa; Pennisetum purpureum; Thinopyrum intermedium; Triticum aestivum; sugar beet; rapeseed; Juniperus; Miscanthus giganteus; Cenchrus purpureus; Populus; energy cane; Biological Sciences; Plant Science and Plant Products

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Lewis, Kristin C. (2021). Feedstock Readiness Level Evaluations Summary Table v4.1. Ag Data Commons.