Ag Data Commons

Feed the Future Grain Legumes Project Database

posted on 2024-02-08, 20:37 authored by Karen A. Cichy, Michael Grusak, Phillip N. Miklas, Marcial A. Pastor-Corrales, Timothy G. Porch, James Beaver, Consuelo Estevez, Gail Wisler, Roy Scott, Raymond Glahn

Data from this project focuses on the evaluation of breeding lines. Significant progress was made in advancing breeding populations directed towards release of improved varieties in Tanzania. Thirty promising F4:7, 1st generation 2014 PIC (Phaseolus Improvement Cooperative) and ~100 F4:6, 2nd generation 2015 PIC breeding lines were selected. In addition, ~300 F4:5, 3rd generation 2016 PIC single plant selections were completed in Arusha and Mbeya. These breeding lines, derived from 109 PIC populations specifically developed to combine abiotic and biotic stress tolerance, showed superior agronomic potential compared with checks and local landraces. The diversity, scale, and potential of the material in the PIC breeding pipeline is invaluable and requires continued support to ensure the release of varieties that promise to increase the productivity of common bean in the E. African region.

Data available includes databases, spreadsheets, and images related to the project.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Data Dictionary.

    File Name: ADP-1_DD.pdf

  • Resource Title: ADP-1 Database.

    File Name:

    Resource Description: This file is a link to a draft version of the development and characterization of the common bean diversity panel (ADP) database in Microsoft Access. Preliminary information is provided in this database, while the full version is being prepared. In order to use the database you’ll need to download the complete file, extract it and open the MS access file. You must allow active content when opening the database for it to work properly. Downloaded on November 17, 2017.

  • Resource Title: Anthracnose Screening of Andean Diversity Panel (ADP) .

    File Name: Anthracnose-screening-of-ADP.pdf

    Resource Description: Approximately 230 ADP lines of the ADP were screened with 8 races of anthracnose under controlled conditions at Michigan State University. Dr. James Kelly has provided this valuable dataset for sharing in light of the Open Data policy of the US government. This dataset represents the first comprehensive screening of the ADP with a broad set of races of a specific pathogen.

  • Resource Title: ARS - Feed the Future Shared Data .

    File Name:

    Resource Description: The data provided herein is an early draft version of the data that has been generated by the ARS Feed-the-Future Grain Legumes Project that is focused on common bean research.

  • Resource Title: PIC (Phaseolus Improvement Cooperative) Populations .

    File Name: PIC-breeding-populations.xlsx

    Resource Description: The complete list of PIC breeding populations (Excel Format)

    PIC (Phaseolus Improvement Cooperative) populations are bulked populations for improvement of common bean in Feed the Future Countries, with a principal focus on sub-Saharan Africa. These populations are for distribution to collaborators, are segregating for key biotic and abiotic stress constraints, and can be used for selection and release of improved cultivars/germplasm. Many of these populations are derived from crosses between ADP landrances and cultivars from sub-Saharan Africa and other improved genotypes with key biotic or abiotic stress tolerance. Phenotypic and genotypic information related to the parents of the crosses can be found in the ADP Database.




Data contact name

Porch, Timothy G.

Data contact email


Agricultural Research Service

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Tanzania, East Africa

ISO Topic Category

  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

databases; digital images; legumes; Plant Science and Plant Products

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Cichy, Karen A.; Grusak, Michael; Miklas, Phillip N.; Pastor-Corrales, Marcial A.; Porch, Timothy G.; Beaver, James; Estevez, Consuelo; Wisler, Gail; Scott, Roy; Glahn, Raymond (2016). Feed the Future Grain Legumes Project Database. Agricultural Research Service.