Ag Data Commons
DairyCAP_tannin_02012017_0.xlsx (817.61 kB)
DairyCAP_tannin_data_dictionary_02012017.csv (5.47 kB)
DairyCAP_tannin_Crops.csv (2.44 kB)
DairyCAP_tannin_Experiment.csv (0.6 kB)
DairyCAP_tannin_GasFluxes.csv (41.2 kB)
DairyCAP_tannin_Manure.csv (0.19 kB)
DairyCAP_tannin_Soils_0.csv (0.42 kB)
DairyCAP_tannin_UpperSoil1.csv (18.86 kB)
DairyCAP_tannin_LowerSoil_1.csv (19.22 kB)
9 files

Effects of tannin in dairy cow diets and land application of manure on soil gas fluxes and nitrogen dynamics

posted on 2023-12-19, 13:49 authored by Claire Campbell, Matthew D. Ruark, J. Mark Powell, Carol Barford

This experiment was designed to determine if tannin concentration and nitrogen (N) content of field-applied dairy cow manure influences greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil, soil N mineralization, and plant productivity. The study was conducted at the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center farm in Prairie du Sac, WI. Field experiments were set up with six randomized complete blocks with two factors (tannin concentration at 3 levels and N fertilization at 2 levels), plus a control (no manure application) treatment in each block. To begin the experiment, three experimental diets with differing tannin concentrations (0, 0.4, and 1.8% tannin as dry matter intake), were fed to Holstein dairy cows for three months. Manure collected at the end of the three month period was field-applied at two N application rates (240 and 360 kg N ha-1). Manure was broadcast and disk-incorporated on May 15, 2014, in fields that were not irrigated and had no tile drainage. This was followed by tillage using a rototiller. Maize (corn for silage) was planted on May 20, 2014. Corn silage was harvested on September 17, 2014, leaving 20 cm-high residue (stubble). GHG flux measurements took place starting May 15, 2014, with GHG sampling every 7-21 days until harvest. Soil chamber dimensions for flux measurements were 15.24 cm (height), 76.2 cm (length), 42.3 cm (width).

In May 2014, soil was collected for analysis of physical characteristics. Cores 90 cm deep and 10 cm diameter were collected using a Giddings probe and analyzed at the UW Soil and Forage Lab (complete methods at According to the USDA NRCS classification system, soils at the site are St. Charles Silt Loam, fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Hapludalfs, with more than 1.5 m depth to an impermeable layer.

The data are presented as a spreadsheet file with seven sheets: (1) experimental design, (2) soil physical characteristics, (3) gas fluxes, (4) soil nitrogen at 0-10 cm depth, (5) soil nitrogen at 10-20 cm depth, (6), chemical characteristics of dairy manure, (7) crop yield and biomass characteristics. There is also a data dictionary spreadsheet file with a separate dictionary sheet for each data sheet.

Weather data for the field site (not presented here) can be found at:

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Data dictionary for: Effects of tannin in dairy cow diets and land application of manure on soil gas fluxes and nitrogen dynamics.

    File Name: DairyCAP_tannin_data_dictionary_02012017.csv

    Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel 2013,url:

  • Resource Title: Effects of tannin in dairy cow diets and land application of manure on soil gas fluxes and nitrogen dynamics.

    File Name: DairyCAP_tannin_02012017.xlsx

    Resource Description: The data are presented as a spreadsheet file with seven sheets: (1) experimental design, (2) soil physical characteristics, (3) gas fluxes, (4) soil nitrogen at 0-10 cm depth, (5) soil nitrogen at 10-20 cm depth, (6), chemical characteristics of dairy manure, (7) crop yield and biomass characteristics.

    Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel 2013,url:

  • Resource Title: crop yield and biomass characteristics.

    File Name: DairyCAP_tannin_Crops.csv

    Resource Description: CSV extract from the overall dataset to be used with data visualizations.

  • Resource Title: experimental design.

    File Name: DairyCAP_tannin_Experiment.csv

    Resource Description: CSV extract from the overall dataset to be used with data visualizations.

  • Resource Title: gas fluxes.

    File Name: DairyCAP_tannin_GasFluxes.csv

    Resource Description: CSV extract from the overall dataset to be used with data visualizations.

  • Resource Title: chemical characteristics of dairy manure.

    File Name: DairyCAP_tannin_Manure.csv

    Resource Description: CSV extract from the overall dataset to be used with data visualizations.

  • Resource Title: soil physical characteristics.

    File Name: DairyCAP_tannin_Soils.csv

    Resource Description: CSV extract from the overall dataset to be used with data visualizations.

  • Resource Title: soil nitrogen at 0-10 cm depth.

    File Name: DairyCAP_tannin_UpperSoil1.csv

    Resource Description: CSV extract from the overall dataset to be used with data visualizations.

  • Resource Title: soil nitrogen at 10-20 cm depth.

    File Name: DairyCAP_tannin_LowerSoil.csv

    Resource Description: CSV extract from the overall dataset to be used with data visualizations.


USDA-NIFA: 2013-68002-20525


Data contact name

Barford, Carol

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

This dataset enables study and simulation modeling of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils where dairy cow manure has been applied. In particular, this dataset creates a basis for predicting the effects of (1) tannin in dairy manure and (2) nitrogen addition rate, on fluxes. The data also allow quantification of the relationships between GHG emission fluxes and several controlling factors, including temperature, soil moisture and nitrogen content, soil physical characteristics, manure chemical characteristics and forage crop yield and quality.

Use limitations

Time series of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes and soil nitrogen content are notoriously variable over both time and space. Extrapolation and interpolation of these data must be done with caution.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center Farm

ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
  • environment
  • farming
  • geoscientificInformation

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

greenhouse gas emissions; greenhouse gases; nitrogen; corn silage; fertilizer rates; dairy manure; carbon dioxide; methane; ammonia; nitrous oxide; corn; farms; Holstein; Hapludalfs; nitrogen content; biomass production

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Campbell, Claire; Ruark, Matthew D.; Powell, J. Mark; Barford, Carol (2017). Effects of tannin in dairy cow diets and land application of manure on soil gas fluxes and nitrogen dynamics. Ag Data Commons.