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Dynamic Soil Properties for Soil Health projects-v2

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Version 2 2024-01-23, 16:40
Version 1 2024-01-19, 17:31
posted on 2024-01-23, 16:40 authored by Caitlin Caudle, Deanna Osmond, Josh Heitman, Savanna Crossman, Laura Starr, Peter Tomlinson, DeAnn Presley, Katie Lewis, Paul DeLuane, Joseph Burke, Issac Madsen, Katherine Naasko, Haying Tao, Ekundayo Adeleke, Skye Wills

The current version-2 of this project expands and updates the previous version-1 (, by adding additional variables to the laboratory datasets and three other datasets representing the management systems, pedons description and soil health metrics assessed by KSSL. This represents a major update on the first dataset from the Dynamic Soil Properties for Soil Health (DSP4SH) initiative. The dataset represents the data gathered, processed, and curated using scientifically based approaches to evaluate dynamic soil properties as soil health metrics. This dataset comprises of raw data collected from assessment of dynamic soil properties that may change due to agricultural land management.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Description of laboratory data from dynamic soil properties for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX_v2.

    File Name: DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_CL_coop_lab_phase1_v2.csv

    Resource Description: This table, “DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_CL_coop_lab_phase1_v2.csv”, was constructed from description of laboratory data of common soil health metrics measured by cooperators in KS, NC, WA, and TX

  • Resource Title: Description of KSSL laboratory data from dynamic soil properties for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX.

    File Name: DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_KSSL_coop_samples.csv

    Resource Description: This table, “DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_KSSL_coop_samples.csv”, was constructed from the laboratory data of common soil health metrics measured by National Cooperative Soil Survey-KSSL for dynamic soil properties for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX

  • Resource Title: Description of management systems of dynamic soil properties for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX.

    File Name: DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_Pedons_mgmt.csv

    Resource Description: This table, “DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_Pedons_mgmt.csv”, was constructed from the management systems used to stratify dynamic soil properties assessed in KS, NC, WA, and TX locations.

  • Resource Title: Description of pedons for dynamic soil properties for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX.

    File Name: DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_CD_coop_descr_phase1.csv

    Resource Description: This table, “DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_CD_coop_lab_phase1.csv”, was constructed from the field description of pedons for dynamic soil properties soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX

  • Resource Title: Data Dictionary – Description of laboratory data from dynamic soil properties for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX_v2.

    File Name: Data_Dictionary-DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_CL_coop_lab_phase1_v2.csv

    Resource Description: This table is the data dictionary for the dataset on the description of laboratory data from dynamic soil properties for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX

  • Resource Title: Data Dictionary – Description of KSSL laboratory data from dynamic soil properties for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX.

    File Name: Data_Dictionary-DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_KSSL_coop_samples.csv

    Resource Description: This table is the data dictionary for the dataset on the description of the National Cooperative Soil Survey-KSSL laboratory data from dynamic soil properties for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX

  • Resource Title: Data Dictionary – Description of management systems for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX.

    File Name: Data_Dictionary-DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_Pedons_mgmt.csv

    Resource Description: This table is the data dictionary for the dataset on the description of management systems for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX

  • Resource Title: Data Dictionary – Description of pedons for dynamic soil properties for soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX.

    File Name: Data_Dictionary-DSP4SH_WA_TX_NC_KS_CD_coop_descr_phase1.csv

    Resource Description: This table is the data dictionary for the dataset on the description of pedons used for dynamic soil properties soil health projects in KS, NC, WA, and TX


USDA-NRCS: 68-3A75-17-333

USDA-NRCS: 68-3A75-17-448

USDA-NRCS: 68-7482-17-017

USDA-NRCS: 68-7482-17-016


Data contact name

Adeleke, Ekundayo

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

The dynamic soil properties (DSP) for soil health project, a Science of Soil Health Initiative, seeks to gather, process, and disseminate scientifically rigorous data to meet the need for consistent, replicable, scientifically sound indicators, associated data, and interpretations. Our cooperators collected a standard set of soil health metrics across regions and soils that can be used to assess and monitor how agricultural management practices affect soil health.

Use limitations

These data were collected from studies conducted at specific location and certain sampling time across soil survey regions and soils. The information on dynamic properties can be linked to other soil survey DSP products but may not be generalized to studies evaluating temporal effect of agricultural management practices on soil health through repeated measures.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

The data on dynamic soil properties was collected through the Science for Soil Health Initiative by cooperators in four different soil survey regions (SSR): Washington (Northwest SSR), Kansas (North Central SSR), Texas (South Central SSR) and North Carolina (Southeast SSR)

ISO Topic Category

  • environment
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

data collection; soil properties; soil quality; agricultural land; land management; soil organic matter; soil enzymes; enzyme activity; monitoring; agricultural management; Natural Resources Earth and Environmental Sciences

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:53 - Natural Resources Conservation Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Caudle, Caitlin; Osmond, Deanna; Heitman, Josh; Crossman, Savanna; Starr, Laura; Tomlinson, Peter; Presley, DeAnn; Lewis, Katie; DeLuane, Paul; Burke, Joseph; Madsen, Issac; Naasko, Katherine; Tao, Haying; Adeleke, Ekundayo; Wills, Skye (2022). Dynamic Soil Properties for Soil Health projects-v2. Ag Data Commons.