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USDA_Drumbeats_Course_Enrollment_2021-09-13_PUBLIC.xlsx (427.08 kB)
USDA_Drumbeats_Degrees_Trends_2021-09-13_PUBLIC.xlsx (25.14 kB)
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30 files

Drumbeats Alaska Course Enrollment / Trends & Curricula - Investing in Sustainable Stewardship

posted on 2024-02-13, 16:25 authored by University of Alaska Fairbanks - Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research

The quantitative dataset for Investing in Sustainable Stewardship (ISS) USDA NIFA Award # 2020-38426-32342 is composed of student data from the Project’s courses taught by supported faculty. Student data is extracted from the Banner System by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research (UAF PAIR) by request. The multiple data sets show aggregated duplicated and unduplicated student enrollment that includes Alaska Native and gender headcounts. Trends include the number of majors and credentials earned by program by project year and by campus. The qualitative dataset includes curricula and training materials developed under ISS in addition to a progress report.

See included file list for more information about each file in this dataset.


USDA-NIFA: 2020-38426-32342


Data contact name

Burns, Tammi

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

Student quantitative data sets inform the Project PI, the Project Directors, the Project Manager, faculty, UAF administration and the evaluator of the for-credit course and program’s popularity as shown by course and program major headcount. The cumulative data set is also a measure of project outputs and can be compared to the figures in the proposal’s Expected Outcomes Matrix, one gauge of the project meeting the number of students estimated to be served. The Alaska Native headcount shows relevance of the courses and programs for this special population which is specifically targeted in the USDA NIFA Alaska Native Serving and Native Hawai’ian Serving Institutions Education Competitive Grants Program (ANNH) award. The student data sets, along with qualitative data provides background information and an explanation of the student enrollment data set numbers for evaluation and planning purposes.

Use limitations

One limitation of the quantitative dataset is the count of student race. When enrolling in a course, it is up to the student (and optional) to select a race. For example, in the 2020-2021 fiscal year, Project Year 1, there were 335 unduplicated students enrolled in project courses. 41.5% (139) of these students were Alaska Native, 39.7% (133) were another race (totaled by UAF PAIR) and 18.8% (63) students' race was unknown. With those numbers, there is a strong likelihood that some Unknown students who did not select a race are Alaska Native students.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


ISO Topic Category

  • economy
  • environment
  • health

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

data collection; Alaska Natives; Alaska; planning; gender; curriculum; educational materials; education programs; program evaluation; indigenous knowledge; community education

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

University of Alaska Fairbanks - Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research (2023). Drumbeats Alaska Course Enrollment / Trends & Curricula - Investing in Sustainable Stewardship. Ag Data Commons.

Usage metrics


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