The data is in csv format. It contains the plant averages for all data presented in the published manuscript 'Variations in Phytochemical Content and Composition in Distillers Corn Oil from 30 U.S. Ethanol Plants'. The analytical replications vary by test type, and are specified in the published paper.
Resources in this dataset:
Resource Title: dataset from: Variations in Phytochemical Content and Composition in Distillers Corn Oil from 30 U.S. Ethanol Plants .
30 plants located in the region identified above, as well as one plant in Pima, Arizona. Lab where data was analyzed is located in Peoria, IL. Samples were collected over the time period shown below.
ISO Topic Category
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms
phytochemicals; corn oil; ethanol; distillers grains; carotenoids; tocopherols; oxidative stability; factories; ethanol production; chemical composition; standard deviation; United States
OMB Bureau Code
005:18 - Agricultural Research Service
OMB Program Code
005:040 - National Research
ARS National Program Number
Pending citation
Public Access Level
Preferred dataset citation
Moser, Jill K. (2022). Data from: Variations in Phytochemical Content and Composition in Distillers Corn Oil from 30 U.S. Ethanol Plants. Ag Data Commons.