Ag Data Commons

Data from: The effect of soil texture and pH on Meloidogyne hapla and Mesocriconema xenoplax parasitism in vineyard soils

posted on 2024-02-14, 04:49 authored by Katherine E. East, Inga A. Zasada, Jungmin Lee, R. Paul Schreiner, Devin A. Rippner

Data set one: on the population density of Meloidogyne hapla after inoculated on varying soil pH and soil texture during the study. Data set one was used for calculations and associated analyses of the parameters presented in Fig 1.

Data set two: on the population density of Mesocriconema xenoplax after inoculated on varying soil pH and soil texture during the study, as well as associated plant metrics at harvest. Data set two was used for calculations and associated analyses of the parameters presented in Fig 2.

Data set three: on the population density of Meloidogyne hapla and Mesocriconema xenoplax after inoculated on varying soil pH and soil texture during the study and associated plant metrics at harvest. Data set three was used for calculations and associated analyses of the parameters presented in Fig 3, and 4.

Data set four: Root parameters measured using RhizoVision Explorer v2.0.3 on K-means clustered binary root mask images. Data set four was used for calculations and analysis of the parameters presented in Fig 5 and 6.

Data set five: Measured soil parameters. Data set five was used for calculations and associated analyses in Table 1.

*Note: Soil type is referred to as 'site' in all data sets. 'Site' was renamed to 'type' in the associated publication.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Data set 1: M. hapla File Name: M. hapla - soil texture and pH on M. hapla and M. xenoplax.csv

  • Resource Title: Data set 2: M. xenoplax File Name: M. xenoplax - soil texture and pH on M. hapla and M. xenoplax.csv

  • Resource Title: Data set 3: Nematode and host tomato metrics from harvest File Name: Harvest - soil texture and pH on M. hapla and M. xenoplax.csv

  • Resource Title: Data set 4: Root measurements collected using RhizoVision Explorer v2.0.3 on tomato root images File Name: Root images - soil texture and pH on M. hapla and M. xenoplax.csv Resource Description: This data set was generated from RhizoVision Explorer v2.0.3, after preprocessing of root images. All root treatment data is the total of three seminal roots collected per treatment replicate; one from the top, middle, and bottom of the root mass.

  • Resource Title: Data set 5: Soil parameter data File Name: Soil parameters - soil texture and pH on M. hapla and M. xenoplax.csv Resource Description: There are only two repeats (n=2) for each treatment combination (nematode x site x pH), one from each experimental repeat (August, October).

  • Resource Title: Data Dictionary for all data sets File Name: Data Dictionary - soil texture and pH on M. hapla and M. xenoplax.csv Resource Description: Data Dictionary for all data sets for soil pH and texture effects on Meloidogyne hapla and Mesocriconema xenoplax, as well as host tomato metrics and soil metrics.


USDA-ARS: 2072-21000-057-00D

USDA-ARS: 2072-22000-046-00D

USDA-ARS: 2072-21000-055-00D.


Data contact name

East, Katherine

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • environment
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

population density; Meloidogyne hapla; soil pH; soil texture; Mesocriconema xenoplax; root systems; parasitism; vineyard soils

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

Pending citation

  • No

Related material without URL

Gavlak R, Horneck D, Miller RO, Kotuby-Amacher J (2003). Soil, plant and water reference methods for the western region. WCC-103 Publication, Fort Collins

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

East, Katherine E.; Zasada, Inga A.; Lee, Jungmin; Schreiner, R. Paul; Rippner, Devin A. (2023). Data from: The effect of soil texture and pH on Meloidogyne hapla and Mesocriconema xenoplax parasitism in vineyard soils. Ag Data Commons.

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