Data from: Selective Protein Starvation by Mormon crickets Following Fungal Attack
Data from a diet choice experiment on Mormon crickets Anabrus simplex (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) reared in the laboratory. Three groups were tested for immune response to inoculation with Beauveria bassiana fungus, an insect pathogen. One group had phenoloxidase (PO), prophenoloxidase (proPO), and total hemolymph protein assayed four times to create a time series from one day before to six days following treatment. A second group had PO, proPO and total protein assayed once on day four following treatment for comparison with those that were wounded multiple times, and a third group was assayed once on day one following treatment for comparison with those assayed on day four.
Resources in this dataset:
Resource Title: Contains descriptions of the data analyzed for Selective Protein Starvation by Mormon crickets Following Fungal Attack File Name: Readme.rtf Resource Description: Three related data sets are included with this text file.
Resource Title: Protein and Carbohydrate Intake for Inoculated Mormon crickets and Controls File Name: InducedImmunityIdaho4dayIntakes.csv Resource Description: Dry mass consumption of P diet was averaged for days 1-3 or days 4-8, and multiplied by 0.42 to yield average daily protein consumption for the two time periods (in mg). The same was done to yield carbohydrate consumption. (c=control, i=inoculated, m=male, f=female)
Resource Title: Phenoloxidase, proPhenoloxidase and total hemolymph protein for Mormon crickets relative to the day of fungal treatment (day 0) File Name: inducedImmunPOprotein.csv Resource Description: After eclosing to adults, male and female Mormon crickets were evenly separated into three experimental sets. Four inoculated females and four males (fdi and mdi, respectively) and four control females and four males (fdc and mdc, respectively) had hemolymph drawn on the day prior to the fungal treatments for baseline assays and then hemolymph drawn repeatedly every other day following treatment. In order to determine whether the injury to draw hemolymph affected the immunity titer, a second set of four inoculated females and four males (fai and mai, respectively) and four control females and four males (fac and mac, respectively) were given the fungal treatments as above and hemolymph was drawn once on day 4. A third set of four inoculated females and four males (fpi and mpi, respectively) and four control females and four males (fpc and mpc, respectively) were treated and hemolymph was drawn once on the day following treatment (day 1).
Resource Title: Body mass and survivorship of Mormon crickets following fungal inoculation File Name: InducedImmunityIdahoMassSurvivorship.csv Resource Description: The twelve inoculated females (fdi, fai, fpi) and 12 males (mdi, mai, mpi) and 12 control females (fdc, fac, fpc) and 12 males (mdc, mac, mpc) were checked daily for mortality. Cadavers were placed in 100% humidity and checked for Beauveria sporulation (white spores) on the exoskeleton and membranes after 4 days. Mass on the day that the insect molted to adult, the day of inoculation, each day that hemolymph was drawn, and on the day the insect died were recorded.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 3032-22000-019-00D
Data contact name
Srygley, RobertData contact email
Ag Data CommonsIntended use
Survivorship data for orthopterans reared on artificial diet and inoculated with Beauveria bassiana may be used in meta-analyses of Beauveria bassiana treatments of rangeland, greenhouse, or crop pests.Use limitations
The Mormon crickets were first generation offspring of adults collected in the field in July, 2009. Offspring were lab reared on a mixture of wheat bran, wheat germ, tropical fish flakes, and bird seeds, and fresh Romaine lettuce after hatching in 2010.Temporal Extent Start Date
2010-10-15Temporal Extent End Date
- Not specified
Geographic Coverage
{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-115.41333333,42.00916667]},"type":"Feature","properties":{}}]}ISO Topic Category
- biota
- environment
- health
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms
starvation; Anabrus simplex; food choices; immune response; Beauveria bassiana; enzymes; prophenoloxidase; hemolymph; time series analysis; protein content; entomopathogenic fungi; insect pests; immunoassays; plant pestsOMB Bureau Code
- 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service
OMB Program Code
- 005:040 - National Research
ARS National Program Number
- 304
Pending citation
- No
Public Access Level
- Public