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Linam_ARPotPlaque_2023_DataRepository.xlsx (318.96 kB)

Data from: Rice root iron plaque retains arsenic and phosphorus, but doesn’t interfere with silicon and selenium uptake

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posted on 2024-02-14, 05:01 authored by Franklin A. Linam, Angelia L. Seyfferth, Matthew A. Limmer

Data used in a publication currently in review. This study was on silicon (Si), phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), and selenium (Se) retention in iron (Fe) oxide plaque of rice roots grown in five paddy soils from Arkansas and Delaware. The data set include soil, porewater, iron plaque, and plant elemental concentrations.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource title: Porewater, rice root plaque, and plant Si, P, As, and Se concentrations File name: Linam_ARPotPlaque_2023_DataRepository.xlsx Resource description: Values are either for harvest or time-weight averages for porewater data.


USDA-NIFA: 2022-67011-36457


Data contact name

Linam, Franklin

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


ISO Topic Category

  • environment
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

Oryza sativa; iron; silicon; phosphorus; arsenic; selenium; paddy soils; rice; roots; Arkansas; Delaware; paddies; oxyanions; iron oxides; ferrihydrite; lepidocrocite; goethite; chemistry

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Linam, Franklin A.; Seyfferth, Angelia L.; Limmer, Matthew A. (2023). Data from: Rice root iron plaque retains arsenic and phosphorus, but doesn’t interfere with silicon and selenium uptake. Ag Data Commons.