Data from: Quality controlled research weather data – USDA-ARS, Bushland, Texas
[ NOTE – 2022/05/06: this dataset is superseded by an updated version ] The dataset contains 15-minute mean weather data from the USDA-ARS Conservation and Production Laboratory (CPRL), Soil and Water Management Research Unit (SWMRU) research weather station, Bushland, Texas (Lat. 35.186714°, Long. -102.094189°, elevation 1170 m above MSL) for all days in 2016. The data are from sensors deployed at standard heights over grass that is irrigated and mowed during the growing season to reference evapotranspiration standards. Sensors are duplicated at each height, and data from a duplicate sensor may be used to fill gaps in data from the primary sensor using appropriate regression relationships. Gap filling may also be accomplished using sensors deployed at one of the four large weighing lysimeters immediately west of the weather station. The primary paper describes details of the sensors used and methods of testing, calibration and use. The weather data include air temperature (C) and relative humidity (%), wind speed (m/s), solar irradiance (W m-2) and precipitation. Because the large (3 m by 3 m surface area) weighing lysimeters are better rain gages than are tipping bucket gages, the 15-minute precipitation data are derived for each lysimeter from changes in lysimeter mass. The land slope is <1% and flat. The mean annual precipitation is ~470 mm, the 20-year pan evaporation record indicates ~2,600 mm Class A pan evaporation per year, and winds are typically from the South and Southwest. The climate is semi-arid with ~70% (350 mm) of the annual precipitation occurring from May to September, during which period the pan evaporation averages ~1520 mm.
Resources in this dataset:
Resource Title: 2016 USDA-ARS Bushland Texas 15-minute research weather data.
File Name: 15-min_SWMRU_CPRL_weather_data_2016.xlsx
Resource Description: These 15-minute data are for every day of year in 2016 from the research weather station of the USDA-ARS Soil and Water Management Research Unit (SWMRU) at the Conservation and Production Research Laboratory, Bushland, Texas USA. Data were quality assured and controlled using procedures described by Evett et al. (2018). Data from duplicate sensors at the research weather station and at nearby (<800 m distance) weather stations were used for data comparisons and gap filling using appropriate regression relationships.
Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel 2010 or later,url:
Resource Title: Data Dictionary - 2016 USDA-ARS Bushland Texas 15-minute research weather data.
File Name: Data Dictionary - 2016 USDA-ARS Bushland Texas.csv
USDA-ARS: 3090-13000-015-00D
Data contact name
Evett, Steven R.Data contact email
Ag Data CommonsIntended use
These data are intended to characterize the standard weather data at the USDA-ARS research site at Bushland, Texas, and to be used as input weather data for simulation model development and testing in conjunction with the corresponding USDA-ARS large weighing lysimeter evapotranspiration and energy and water balance dataset, which is submitted separately.Use limitations
The data should be used in conjunction with the Bushland large weighing lysimeter evapotranspiration and energy and water balance data and are standard weather station data, not representative of the weather at each lysimeter location but representative of the location as a whole. In particular, precipitation varies spatially due to the convective thunderstorms common to the region, so precipitation data are taken from the weighing lysimeters themselves. Data are gap filled using data from nearby (within 800 m) instruments and appropriate regression relationships or from duplicate sensors at the research weather station site, but rarely there may be missing data.Temporal Extent Start Date
- irregular
- Not specified
Geographic Coverage
{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-102.09906463948,35.191719970106],[-102.07671433134,35.19121493622],[-102.07678299485,35.1865853205],[-102.07609634934,35.177044674547],[-102.09913330298,35.177072738625],[-102.09906463948,35.191719970106]]]},"type":"Feature","properties":{}}]}ISO Topic Category
- climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms
meteorological data; Agricultural Research Service; Texas; soil; water management; grasses; growing season; evapotranspiration; lysimeters; air temperature; relative humidity; wind speed; solar radiation; surface area; rain; evaporation; climate; simulation models; energyOMB Bureau Code
- 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service
OMB Program Code
- 005:040 - National Research
ARS National Program Number
- 211
Primary article PubAg Handle
Pending citation
- No
Public Access Level
- Public