Ag Data Commons

Data from: Pasture dragging fails to reliably suppress the emergence of horn flies (Haematobia irritans) and face flies (Musca autumnalis) from dung pats in a Mid-Atlantic North American climate

posted on 2024-02-13, 16:08 authored by Jason D. Smith, Matthew W. Steiman

In order to determine if pasture dragging suppresses the emergence of horn flies (Haematobia irritans) and face flies (Musca autumnalis) from dung pats in a Mid-Atlantic North American climate, we spread bovine dung pats with a pasture drag (in 2018) or a plaster knife (in 2020), covered pats with emergence traps, and quantified the emerging flies. Data archived here include raw counts of flies per pat as well as some seasonal environmental data.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: 2018 Fly Emergence Data.

    File Name: 2018flydata.csv

    Resource Description: Data represent five experiment rounds in the summer of 2018 in which bovine dung pats were dragged or left undisturbed to see whether dragging suppresses natural emergence of horn flies and face flies.

  • Resource Title: 2020 Fly Emergence Data.

    File Name: 2020FlyData.csv

    Resource Description: Data represent four experiment rounds in the summer of 2020 in which bovine dung pats were smeared (to either double or triple the original pat area) or left undisturbed to see whether smearing suppresses the natural emergence of horn flies and face flies.

  • Resource Title: Weather conditions during the 2018 Field Season.

    File Name: 2018weatherdata.csv

    Resource Description: Dickinson Farm measurements were taken in-pasture but were not available during round 1 of the experiment. Boiling Springs measurements were recorded by a nearby weather station and accessed via

  • Resource Title: 2020 Field Season Weather Conditions.

    File Name: 2020weatherdata.csv

    Resource Description: All measurements were taken in-pasture in 2020, with a HOBO temperature sensor and a rain gauge.

  • Resource Title: Data Dictionary for Fly Emergence Data and Weather Data 2018 and 2020.

    File Name: Data Dictionary.csv

    Resource Description: This sheet provides descriptions of column headers in the other data files.


USDA: Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education grant FNE 18-911


Data contact name

Smith, Jason D.


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

These are raw data collected according to methods in Smith and Steiman (2022): Pasture dragging fails to reliably suppress the emergence of horn flies (Haematobia irritans) and face flies (Musca autumnalis) from dung pats in a Mid-Atlantic North American climate (under review). They can be used to model natural horn fly and face fly emergence from individual cattle manure pads using the predictors of date, precipitation, temperature, and pasture dragging (the main focus of the study).

Use limitations

The seasonal population dynamics reflect the climate of central Pennsylvania in 2018 and 2020. There was an unusually large rainfall event in 2018 that negatively impacted horn fly reproduction, as noted in Smith and Steiman (2022). The manure treatments differed by year. In 2018 pastures were dragged with a vehicle-towed manure spreader, whereas in 2020 manure pats were smeared with a hand-held plaster spreading tool. Temperature and precipitation were recorded in the study pastures. Temperature represents air temperature (not manure temperature) at about 30 cm above the soil. In the published analysis, temperature and precipitation represented the seven day period after the pasture dragging event, when flies were likely to be in the larval stage. In 2018 temperature data were not available from the HOBO device for the first experiment round. In lieu of this we included publicly available weather data (from from a weather station located about 2 miles from the study site.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

The Dickinson College Farm, an educational farm owned by Dickinson College in Boiling Springs, PA (USA)

ISO Topic Category

  • environment
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

pastures; Haematobia irritans; Musca autumnalis; feces; climate; cattle; plaster; emergence traps; data collection; models; cattle manure; population dynamics; Pennsylvania; rain; insect reproduction; air temperature; soil; larvae; meteorological data; integrated pest management; insect pests; animal manure management; pasture management

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Smith, Jason D.; Steiman, Matthew W. (2022). Data from: Pasture dragging fails to reliably suppress the emergence of horn flies (Haematobia irritans) and face flies (Musca autumnalis) from dung pats in a Mid-Atlantic North American climate. Ag Data Commons.