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Data from: Net release and uptake of xenometabolites across intestinal, hepatic, muscle, and renal tissue beds in healthy conscious pigs

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posted on 2024-02-13, 14:06 authored by Kelly E. Mercer, Gabriella A. M. Ten Have, Lindsay Pack, Renny Lan, Nicolaas E. P. Deutz, Sean H. Adams, Brian D. Piccolo

Data and supplemental figures for manuscript titled "Net release and uptake of xenometabolites across intestinal, hepatic, muscle, and renal tissue beds in healthy conscious pigs." We used a catheterized conscious pig model to estimate inter-organ flux of xenometabolites, derivatives, and bile acids using LC/MS. Female pigs (n=12; 2-3 months old; 25.6 ± 2.2 kg) had surgically-implanted catheters across portal-drained viscera (PDV), splanchnic area (SPL), liver, kidney, and hindquarter muscle. Overnight fasted arterial and venous plasma was collected simultaneously in a conscious state and stored at -80°C. Thawed samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Plasma flow was determined with para-aminohippuric acid dilution technology and used to calculate net organ balance for each metabolite. This repository contains the LC/MS data and supplemental figures for the submitted manuscript.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Organ Net Balance Data for Mercer et al..

    File Name: Mercer et al LCMS XM Organ Flux Data.xlsx

    Resource Description: Calculated net balances for LC/MS data from Mercer et al.

  • Resource Title: LC/MS data for Mercer et al..

    File Name: Mercer et al LCMS XM raw data.xlsx

    Resource Description: LC/MS peak area data for xenometabolites in Mercer et al.

  • Resource Title: Mercer et al Supplemental Figure 2.

    File Name: Mercer et al Fig S2.pdf

    Resource Description: Supplemental Figure 2 for Mercer et al manuscript: Absolute differences of xenometabolites from catheter ports in conscious overnight-fasted female pigs (n=12). Sampling sites included arterial, venous, renal, portal, and hepatic placed catheters.

  • Resource Title: Mercer et al Supplemental Figure 1.

    File Name: Mercer et al Fig S1.pdf

    Resource Description: Supplemental Figure 1 for Mercer et al manuscript: Supplemental Figure 1: Inter-organ flux of all xenometablites in conscious overnight-fasted female pigs (n=12). A negative flux reflects net uptake (flux < 0; indicated by bottom arrow) by the organ, whereas a positive flux reflects a net release (flux > 0; indicated by top arrow) by the organ. Plasma flow measurements were determined with the para-aminohippuric acid dilution method, and were used along with metabolite concentrations to calculate flux (see Methods). R at top of arrow indicates ‘Release’, while U indicates ‘Uptake’.

  • Resource Title: Supplemental Table 1 for Mercer et al..

    File Name: Mercer et al Table S1.xlsx

    Resource Description: Mercer et al Supplemental Table 1: Raw differences of identified xenometabolites from port samples in conscious adult female pigs (n=10-12).


USDA-ARS: 6026-51000-012-06S


Data contact name

Piccolo, Brian

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

LC/MS data may be used to estimate inter-organ flux of identified metabolites. The catheterized pig model system is a unique in vivo assessment of organ uptake and release. These data confirm gastrointestinal origin for several microbial derived xenometabolites and suggest that liver and kidneys are uptake sites.

Use limitations

Data are observational and do not prove gastrointestinal absorption and do not provide mechanistic information. Only portal, splanchnic, liver, kidney and muscle organs can be assessed in this model, so data cannot rule out release/uptake from other organs. Identified metabolites are based on in-house standard library at the Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center and is not a comprehensive profile of all microbial derived xenometabolites.


  • Not specified

ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • health

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

intestines; muscles; swine; animal models; bile acids; females; catheters; liver; kidneys; frozen storage; storage temperature; liquid chromatography; mass spectrometry; metabolites

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 107

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Mercer, Kelly E.; Ten Have, Gabriella A. M.; Pack, Lindsay; Lan, Renny; Deutz, Nicolaas E. P.; Adams, Sean H.; Piccolo, Brian D. (2020). Data from: Net release and uptake of xenometabolites across intestinal, hepatic, muscle, and renal tissue beds in healthy conscious pigs. Ag Data Commons.

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