Ag Data Commons

Data from: Investigation of Stormwater Runoff at the Sleepy Hollow Neighborhood, Fort Irwin, California

posted on 2024-11-06, 22:13 authored by Lainie Levick, David GoodrichDavid Goodrich, Ben Olimpio

In arid and semi-arid region, low precipitation can lead to reliance on groundwater for our needs. A study was conducted in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Agriculture Research Service (ARS) in Riverside, California in the residential area the Ft. Irwin Army base in southern California. The base only receives an average annual precipitation of 4 inches. An objective of the study was to see if enough runoff was generated in the residential neighborhood to enhance the recharge of groundwater. Rainfall, runoff, and characteristics of the watershed draining to a detention that in turn, drains into a dry well that is designed to enhance deep infiltration to groundwater. Three storm events with all instrumentation working properly were observed. The respective percentage of the rainfall that runoff was 9, 5 and 11 percent. These events were modeled with the uncalibrated ARS KINEROS2 watershed model using urban overland flow model elements. For EV1 and EV3 the precent difference between simulated and observed runoff was -9.7 and -14.1 percent, respectively. For EV2 the model overpredicted the observed runoff by 80.2 percent. However, EV2 was a very small runoff event where the measuring resolution of the rain gauges (0.25 mm) translated into 57% of the observed volume. To generate substantial volumes of runoff for groundwater recharge would require a much larger developed area than the one studied herein. In addition, a larger sample size of events, with all instruments in proper working order, would lend greater weight to overall character of rainfall-runoff processes at Ft. Irwin.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: DW-92465401

USDA-ARS: 2022-12660-005-00D

USDA-ARS: 2022-13610-012-000D


Data contact name

Goodrich, David, C.

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

Persons investigating supporting data for project "Levick, L., B. Olimpio, D.C. Goodrich, 2024. Investigation of Stormwater Runoff at the Sleepy Hollow Neighborhood, Fort Irwin, California, USDA-ARS-SWRC Technical Report, pp. 40"

Use limitations


Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • irregular


  • Non-geospatial

Geographic location - description

The area in the immediate vicinity of the Sleepy Hollow Neighborhood with Ft. Irwin, CA

ISO Topic Category

  • climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
  • environment
  • geoscientificInformation

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

stormwater; California; semiarid zones; groundwater; environmental protection; residential areas; groundwater recharge; rain; watersheds; storms; hydrologic models; overland flow; rain gauges

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 211

Pending citation

  • No

Related material without URL

Supporting Data for Levick, L., B. Olimpio, D.C. Goodrich, (in review). Investigation of Stormwater Runoff at the Sleepy Hollow Neighborhood, Fort Irwin, California, USDA-ARS-SWRC Technical Report, pp. 40

Public Access Level

  • Public