Ag Data Commons

Data from: Identifying Critical Life Stage Transitions for Biological Control of Long-lived Perennial Vincetoxicum Species

posted on 2024-02-09, 17:37 authored by Lindsey MilbrathLindsey Milbrath, Adam S. Davis

This dataset includes data on 25 transitions of a matrix demographic model of the invasive species Vincetoxicum nigrum (L.) Moench (black swallow-wort or black dog-strangling vine) and Vincetoxicum rossicum (Kleopow) Barb. (pale swallow-wort or dog-strangling vine) (Apocynaceae, subfamily Asclepiadoideae), two invasive perennial vines in the northeastern U.S.A. and southeastern Canada. The matrix model was developed for projecting population growth rates as a result of changes to lower-level vital rates from biological control although the model is generalizable to any control tactic. Transitions occurred among the five life stages of seeds, seedlings, vegetative juveniles (defined as being in at least their second season of growth), small flowering plants (having 1–2 stems), and large flowering plants (having 3 or more stems). Transition values were calculated using deterministic equations and data from 20 lower-level vital rates collected from 2009-2012 from two open field and two forest understory populations of V. rossicum (43°51’N, 76°17’W; 42°48'N, 76°40'W) and two open field populations of V. nigrum (41°46’N, 73°44’W; 41°18’N, 73°58’W) in New York State. Sites varied in plant densities, soil depth, and light levels (forest populations). Detailed descriptions of vital rate data collection may be found in: Milbrath et al. 2017. Northeastern Naturalist 24(1):37-53. Five replicate sets of transition data obtained from five separate spatial regions of a particular infestation were produced for each of the six populations.

Note: Added new excel file of vital rate data on 12/7/2018.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Matrix model transition data for Vincetoxicum species.

    File Name: Matrix_model_transition_data.csv

    Resource Description: This data set includes data on 25 transitions of a matrix demographic model of two invasive Vincetoxicum species from six field and forest populations in New York State.

  • Resource Title: Variable definitions.

    File Name: Matrix_model_metadata.csv

    Resource Description: Definitions of variables including equations for each transition and definitions of the lower-level vital rates in the equations

  • Resource Title: Vital Rate definitions.

    File Name: Vital_Rate.csv

    Resource Description: Vital Rate definitions of lower-level vital rates used in transition equations - to be substituted into the Data Dictionary for full definition of each transition equation.

  • Resource Title: Data Dictionary.

    File Name: Matrix_Model_transition_data_DD.csv

    Resource Description: See Vital Rate resource for definitions of lower-level vital rates used in transition equations where noted.

  • Resource Title: Matrix model vital rate data for Vincetoxicum species.

    File Name: Matrix_model_vital rate_data.csv

    Resource Description: This data set includes data on 20 lower-level vital rates used in the calculation of transitions of a matrix demographic model of two invasive Vincetoxicum species in New York State as well as definitions of the vital rates. (File added on 12/7/2018)

    Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url:


USDA-ARS: 1907-22620-003-00D

USDA-ARS: 8062-22620-004-00D


Data contact name

Milbrath, Lindsey


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

These are calculated data from Milbrath et al. (2018) Journal of Applied Ecology 55:1465-1475 and can be used to model population dynamics of V. nigrum (black swallow-wort) and V. rossicum (pale swallow-wort) in relation to changes in various annual life-stage transitions resulting from any type of control tactic for which relevant data are available.

Use limitations

The data set only includes upper-level transition values calculated from deterministic equations involving 20 lower-level vital rates. Projecting changes in population growth rates by the alteration of specific lower-level vital rates, e.g., spring germination rates, is not possible with these data. Population dynamics of the studied populations may not apply to all populations.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Six populations from Cayuga, Dutchess, Jefferson and Rockland Counties were used.

ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • environment

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

data collection; models; invasive species; Vincetoxicum nigrum; Vincetoxicum rossicum; vines; Apocynaceae; perennials; United States; Canada; population growth; biological control; seeds; seedlings; juveniles; Angiospermae; stems; equations; understory; New York; plant density; soil depth; forests; ecology; spring; germination

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 304

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Milbrath, L.R., Davis, A.S., Biazzo, J. (2017). Data from: Identifying critical life stage transitions for biological control of long-lived perennial Vincetoxicum species. USDA Ag Data Commons,