Ag Data Commons

Data from: Identification of stable QTL controlling multiple yield components in a durum × cultivated emmer wheat population under field and greenhouse conditions

posted on 2024-02-20, 19:21 authored by Amanda R. Peters Haugrud, Qijun Zhang, Andrew J. Green, Steven S. Xu, Justin FarisJustin Faris

Phentoypic data: The durum × cultivated emmer recombinant inbred line (RIL) population (referred to as DP527) was evaluated for grain yield components under greenhouse and field conditions in North Dakota, USA. The DP527 population was developed by crossing Divide (PI 642021), a North Dakota hard amber durum variety, with PI 272527, a cultivated emmer accession collected near Pest, Hungary. The DP527 population consisted of 219 RILs developed using the single-seed descent method to the F7 generation and bulked to produce F7:8 RILs. The DP527 population was evaluated under field conditions in a total of three seasons and were grown in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates each season. Plants were grown in hill plots, with each plot consisting of 10-15 seeds and considered an experimental unit. The 2017 and 2019 plots were grown at the North Dakota State University (NDSU) field site near Prosper, ND (47.002°N, 97.115°W). The 2020 plots were grown at the NDSU agronomy seed farm near Casselton, ND (46.880°N, 97.243°W). The DP527 population and parental lines were phenotyped for 11 traits including days to heading (DTH), plant height (PHT), total number of spikelets per spike (SPS), kernels per spike (KPS), grain weight per spike (GWS), thousand kernel weight (TKW), kernel area (KA), kernel width (KW), kernel length (KL), kernel circularity (KC), and kernel length:width ratio (KLW). DTH was measured as the number of days from planting until 50% of the spikes emerged completely beyond the flag leaf. PHT was measured from the base of the hill plot to the tip of the highest spike (excluding awns) in the plot in centimeters. Eight heads from each replicate were used for phenotypic evaluations. SPS was counted as the total number of spikelets divided by the number of heads in the sample. KPS, GWS, TKW, KA, KW, KL, KC, and KLW data were obtained using a MARVIN grain analyzer (GAT Sensorik GMBH, Neubrandenburg, Germany). KPS and GWS data from the MARVIN was divided by the number of heads in the sample to obtain an average per wheat head. For the 2019 environment, planting occurred in late May, and by early September about one third of the lines were not mature. Therefore, only DTH, PHT, and SPS were evaluated in the 2019 field season. The DP527 population and parents were evaluated under greenhouse conditions in two greenhouse seasons (2018 and 2019) with two replicates per season. Plants were grown in 15 cm diameter pots in a greenhouse with 16-h photoperiod and a temperature of 21 °C. All plants were grown in a completely randomized design (CRD) with one plant per pot, which was one experimental unit. DTH was measured as the number of days from planting until the emergence of the first spike beyond the flag leaf, and PHT was measured from the base of the plant to the tip of the highest spike in centimeters. Plants were hand harvested and four heads per plant were used for the rest of the phenotypic evaluations, which were measured as described for field environments. In the data file, column headings indicate the trait evaluated, the year, field vs greenhouse, and replicate or average of all three replicates. For example, “SPS2017Frep1” indicates rep 1 of the spikelets per spike trait collected in the 2017 field trial. Sheet 1 consists of the field data, and sheet 2 is the greenhouse data. An entry of ‘NA’ indicates missing data.

Genotypic data: DNA of the DP527 population was extracted and genotyped using the Illumina iSelect 90k wheat SNP array. The genotypic data file consists of the chromosome assignments of the markers, the marker names, the linkage map positions of the markers, and the genotypic calls for each marker within each RIL where “1” represents an allele from Divide, “2” represents an allele from PI 272527, and “3” indicates missing data. This data was used to assemble the linkage-based genetic maps for the 14 durum wheat chromosomes and further used in statistical analyses to identify chromosome regions harboring genes associated with the various phenotypic traits mentioned in the phenotypic data file.

Resources in this dataset:

Resource Title: Genotypic data for the durum x emmer wheat recombinant inbred population DP527 File Name: DP527 genotypic data.xlsx Resource Description: The genotypic data file consists of the chromosome assignments of the markers, the marker names, the linkage map positions of the markers, and the genotypic calls for each marker within each RIL where “1” represents an allele from Divide, “2” represents an allele from PI 272527, and “3” indicates missing data.

Resource Title: Phenotypic data collected from the durum x emmer wheat recombinant inbred population DP527 File Name: DP527 phenotypic data.xlsx Resource Description: In the data file, column headings indicate the trait evaluated, the year, field vs greenhouse, and replicate or average of all three replicates. For example, “SPS2017Frep1” indicates rep 1 of the spikelets per spike trait collected in the 2017 field trial. Sheet 1 consists of the field data, and sheet 2 is the greenhouse data. An entry of ‘NA’ indicates missing data.


USDA-NIFA: 2022-68013-36439


Data contact name

Faris, Justin

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

This data is useful for the identification of regions in the genomes of tetraploid wheat that contain genes useful for improving durum wheat yield and yield components. The molecular markers associated with the relevant genomic regions are useful for monitoring the introgression of the desirable genes/genomic regions into elite durum varieties for enhanced yield performance.

Use limitations

The genomic regions identified to be associated with improved yield in durum wheat may not be expressed in all environments. The data collected in this research were collected only in southeastern North Dakota.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • irregular


  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Prosper, Casselton, and Fargo, North Dakota

ISO Topic Category

  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

quantitative trait loci; yield components; durum wheat; Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccon; inbred lines; grain yield; phenotype; single nucleotide polymorphism arrays; single nucleotide polymorphism; chromosomes; chromosome mapping; alleles; Triticum turgidum subsp. durum; genetic markers

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 301

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Peters Haugrud, Amanda R.; Zhang, Qijun; Green, Andrew J.; Xu, Steven S.; Faris, Justin D. (2023). Data from: Identification of stable QTL controlling multiple yield components in a durum × cultivated emmer wheat population under field and greenhouse conditions. Ag Data Commons.

Usage metrics


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