Ag Data Commons

Data from: Global distribution of mating types shows limited opportunities for mating across populations of fungi causing boxwood blight disease

posted on 2024-02-15, 19:42 authored by Martha Malapi-Wight, Daniel Veltri, Bjorn Gehesquière, Kurt Heungens, Yazmín Rivera, Catalina Salgado-Salazar, Jo Anne Crouch

Boxwood blight is a disease threat to natural and managed landscapes worldwide. To determine mating potential of the fungi responsible for the disease, Calonectria pseudonaviculata and C. henricotiae, we characterized their mating-type (MAT) loci. Genomes of C. henricotiae, C. pseudonaviculata and two other Calonectria species (C. leucothoes, C. naviculata) were sequenced and used to design PCR tests for mating-type from 268 isolates collected from four continents. All four Calonectria species have a MAT locus that is structurally consistent with the organization found in heterothallic ascomycetes, with just one idiomorph per individual isolate. Mating type was subdivided by species: all C. henricotiae isolates possessed the MAT1-1 idiomorph, whereas all C. pseudonaviculata isolates possessed the MAT1-2 idiomorph. To determine the potential for divergence at the MAT1 locus to present a barrier to interspecific hybridization, evolutionary analysis was conducted. Phylogenomic estimates showed that C. henricotiae and C. pseudonaviculata diverged approximately 2.1 Mya. However, syntenic comparisons, phylogenetic analyses, and estimates of nucleotide divergence across the MAT1 locus and proximal genes identified minimal divergence in this region of the genome. These results show that in North America and parts of Europe, where only C. pseudonaviculata resides, mating is constrained by the absence of MAT1-1. In regions of Europe where C. henricotiae and C. pseudonaviculata currently share the same host and geographic range, it remains to be determined whether or not these two recently diverged species are able to overcome species barriers to mate.

The four primary Calonectria genome assemblies generated as part of this study using Illumina sequencing technology are available through NCBI GenBank or through Ag Data Commons at

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Website pointer to Global distribution of mating types shows limited opportunities for mating across populations of fungi causing boxwood blight disease.

    File Name: Web Page, url:


USDA-APHIS: Farm Bill Sections 10,021 and 10,007 Programs

USDA-ARS: 8042-22000-298

USDA-ARS: Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative

Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie: 080519

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

U.S. Department of Energy: DE-AC05-06OR23100


Data contact name

Crouch, Jo Anne

Data contact email


Fungal Genetics and Biology

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Europe; Asia; North America; New Zealand; Slovenia; Belgium; Germany; Netherlands; United Kingdom; France; Delaware; Iran; Switzerland; Croatia; Connecticut; Spain; Italy; Rep. Georgia; Maryland; North Carolina; New Jersey; New York; Oregon; Ohio; Turkey

ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • environment
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

Buxus sempervirens; blight; landscapes; fungi; Calonectria; loci; polymerase chain reaction; Ascomycota; interspecific hybridization; phylogeny; genes; North America; Europe

ARS National Program Number

  • 303

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Malapi-Wight, Martha; Veltri, Daniel; Gehesquière, Bjorn; Heungens, Kurt; Rivera, Yazmín; Salgado-Salazar, Catalina; Crouch, Jo Anne (2019). Data from: Global distribution of mating types shows limited opportunities for mating across populations of fungi causing boxwood blight disease. Fungal Genetics and Biology.

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