Ag Data Commons
AR4307_augustusRev.fasta (6.29 MB)
CBS22631_augustus.fasta (6.71 MB)
CBS119158_augustus.fasta (6.35 MB)
CBS125109_augustus.fasta (5.64 MB)
4 files

Data from: Genome analyses of fungal pathogens Neonectria faginata and Neonectria coccinea

posted on 2023-12-19, 14:31 authored by Catalina Salgado-Salazar, Demetra Skaltsas, Tunesha Phipps, Lisa Castlebury

Protein predictions using Augustus web for the fungi Neonectria coccinea and N. faginata, as well as protein prediction of closely related species N. ditissima, and Corinectria fuckeliana.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Protein prediction dataset for Neonectria faginata isolate A.R. 4307.

    File Name: AR4307_augustusRev.fasta

    Resource Description: Protein prediction dataset

  • Resource Title: Protein prediction data set for Neonectria ditissima isolate CBS 226.31.

    File Name: CBS22631_augustus.fasta

    Resource Description: Protein prediction data set

  • Resource Title: Protein prediction file for Neonectria coccinea isolate CBS 119158.

    File Name: CBS119158_augustus.fasta

    Resource Description: Protein prediction file

  • Resource Title: Protein prediction file of Corinectria fuckeliana isolate CBS 125109.

    File Name: CBS125109_augustus.fasta

    Resource Description: Protein prediction file


USDA-ARS: 8042-22000-298-00D


Data contact name

Salgado-Salazar, Catalina

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

Research only. The predicted proteome of fungi can be functionally annotated to determine molecular activities of gene products.

Use limitations

Research only.

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

USA: Maine, USA: New Hampshire, Germany, New Zealand

ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • environment

Ag Data Commons Group

  • AgBioData

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

fungi; pathogens; Neonectria; beech bark disease; mortality; forest stands; North America; Europe; disease control; genomics; genome assembly; proteome; proteins; mitogen-activated protein kinase; virulence; disease severity; polysaccharides; secondary metabolites; biosynthesis; cytochrome-c oxidase; mitochondrial genome; mitochondrial DNA; introns; Fagus grandifolia; Fagus sylvatica; forests; trophic relationships

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 303

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Salgado-Salazar, Catalina; Skaltsas, Demetra; Phipps, Tunesha; Castlebury, Lisa (2022). Data from: Genome analyses of fungal pathogens Neonectria faginata and Neonectria coccinea. Ag Data Commons.