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Data from: Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the USDA Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) Germplasm Collections Using GBSpoly

posted on 2024-02-13, 13:25 authored by Phillip A. Wadl, Bode A. Olukolu, Sandra E. Branham, Robert L. Jarret, G. Craig Yencho, D. Michael Jackson

Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) plays a critical role in food security and is the most important root crop worldwide following potatoes and cassava. In the United States (US), it is valued at over $700 million USD. There are two sweetpotato germplasm collections (Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit and US Vegetable Laboratory) maintained by the USDA, ARS for sweetpotato crop improvement. To date, no genome-wide assessment of genetic diversity within these collections has been reported in the published literature. In our study, population structure and genetic diversity of 417 USDA sweetpotato accessions originating from 8 broad geographical regions (Africa, Australia, Caribbean, Central America, Far East, North America, Pacific Islands, and South America) were determined using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified with a genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) protocol, GBSpoly, optimized for highly heterozygous and polyploid species. Population structure using Bayesian clustering analyses (STRUCTURE) with 32,784 segregating SNPs grouped the accessions into four genetic groups and indicated a high degree of mixed ancestry. A neighbor-joining cladogram and principal components analysis based on a pairwise genetic distance matrix of the accessions supported the population structure analysis. Pairwise FST values between broad geographical regions based on the origin of accessions ranged from 0.017 (Far East – Pacific Islands) to 0.110 (Australia – South America) and supported the clustering of accessions based on genetic distance. The markers developed for use with this collection of accessions provide an important genomic resource for the sweetpotato community, and contribute to our understanding of the genetic diversity present within the US sweetpotato collection and the species.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Supplementary Material.

    File Name: Web Page, url:

    FIGURE S1 | QC Boxplot showing distribution of quality scores of raw reads in a multiplexed library containing 96 Ipomoea batatas accessions. Buffer sequence lie within the first 8 base calls, while variable barcodes (6–9 bp) lie at position 14–17 bp.

    FIGURE S2 | Proportion raw reads matching both reference subgenomes (6x genotypes) and those specific to each of the subgenomes (4x and 2x genotypes derived Ipomoea trifida and I. triloba, respectively).

    FIGURE S3 | Boxplot shows relatively uniform read depth across individual samples and genomic loci after de-multiplexing pool samples. Only genotypes with 6 alleles/dose are shown here.

    FIGURE S4 | Bar plots of Bayesian assignment probabilities for each Ipomoea batatas accession analyzed with segregating 32,784 SNPs using the program STRUCTURE for K = 4. The x-axis indicates accession and the y-axis indicates the assignment probability of that accession to each of the four clusters. Each vertical line represents an individual’s probability of belonging to one of K clusters (represented by different colors) or a combination of if ancestry is mixed. The asterisk (∗) indicates the cultivar Porto Rico, which is a foundational line of the sweetpotato industry in the US. The plus sign (+) indicates that this accession was used as parental material in the mass selection populations developed by Jones et al. (1991). The USDA, ARS, US Vegetable Laboratory (USVL) W-lines and USVL-lines originate from the mass selection populations. Information for all accessions is found in Supplementary Table S1.

    FIGURE S5 | Linkage disequilibrium estimates (r2) of all genome-wide marker pairs plotted against corresponding interval between marker pairs. Curve (blue line) based on game smoothing method function shows distribution of all data points. Top and middle plot based on genotype data with allelic dosage information, while bottom plot is based on diploidized genotypes.

    TABLE S1 | Information of Ipomoea batatas accessions analyzed by GBSpoly.

    TABLE S2 | Pairwise genetic distance matrix between Ipomoea batatas accessions.

    TABLE S3 | Information for individual SNPs used for data analyses.

    DATASET S1 | Structure data file for Ipomoea batatas accessions.


USDA-ARS: 6080-22000-027-00D

USDA-ARS: 0500-00093-001-00-D


Data contact name

Wadl, Phillip A.

Data contact email


Frontiers in Plant Science

Intended use

The markers developed for use with this collection of accessions provide an important genomic resource for the sweetpotato community, and contribute to our understanding of the genetic diversity present within the US sweetpotato collection and the species.


  • Not specified

Geographic location - description

Africa, Australia, Caribbean, Central America, Far East, North America, Pacific Islands, and South America

ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

sweet potatoes; Ipomoea batatas; food security; root crops; potatoes; cassava; United States; germplasm conservation; plant genetic resources; vegetables; Agricultural Research Service; USDA; genetic variation; population structure; Africa; Australia; Caribbean; Central America; East Asia; Pacific Ocean Islands; South America; single nucleotide polymorphism; genotyping by sequencing; heterozygosity; polyploidy; ancestry; principal component analysis; genetic distance; genomics; Convolvulaceae; germplasm

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 301

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Wadl, Phillip A.; Olukolu, Bode A.; Branham, Sandra E.; Jarret, Robert L.; Yencho, G. Craig; Jackson, D. Michael (2018). Data from: Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the USDA Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) Germplasm Collections Using GBSpoly. Frontiers in Plant Science.