Ag Data Commons

Data from: Feasibility of Infiltration Galleries for Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer of Northeast Arkansas

posted on 2023-11-30, 09:14 authored by Ian A. Godwin, Michele L. Reba, Deborah L. Leslie, James R. Rigby, Ryan F. Adams

The information in this dataset is from "Feasibility of Infiltration Galleries for Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Northeast Arkansas Delta" by Godwin et al., 2020. Included in the dataset are the following raw data:

  • Table of well log point -Coordinates and other characteristic data for each groundwater well log point used in confining unit mapping survey. These points can be used for various spatial analyses of the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer (MRVAA) and its upper confining unit. Check the Arkansas Water Well Construction Commission database for updated spatial information, updated and improved logs, and newly added well logs.
  • Raw geophysical data files -Electrical resistivity survey files from the selected reservoir sites collected in partnership with the United States Geological Survey. These are the raw files from Inverse-Schlumberger method survey lines at five reservoir sites, which measure differences in soil electrical properties. These differences correspond to changes in soil texture.
  • Soil sample textural analysis data -Data includes sand/silt/clay analysis result sheet and sand fractionization result sheets for samples from the reservoir sites selected after geophysical surveys were conducted. Data should be used only with considerations of the sampling and analysis methods described in the publication.
  • Soil sample chemical analysis data -Includes major and minor metals/nutrients, pH, and other chemical properties for samples from selected sites. Data should be used only with considerations of the sampling and analysis methods described in the publication.

    Resources in this dataset:

    • Resource Title: Table of Well Points .

      File Name: WellLogPointsTable.xlsx

      Resource Description: This table includes the spatial coordinates, web links, and confining unit thickness data for all of the irrigation wells used in the mapping survey. Well data are from the Arkansas Water Well Construction Commission Database.

    • Resource Title: Sand-Silt-Clay Soil Sample Data.

      File Name: All Samples Sand-Silt-Clay.xlsx

      Resource Description: Soil boring sample analysis results from University of Missouri Soil Lab for sand-silt-clay fractionalization.

    • Resource Title: Select Soil Sample Sand Fractionalization .

      File Name: Select Samples Sand Fractionation.xlsx

      Resource Description: The results of sand grain-size fractionalization analysis conducted on select samples at the University of Missouri Soil Lab

    • Resource Title: Soil Sample Sieve Analysis.

      File Name: Soil Sample Sieve Analysis DWMRU Lab.xlsx

      Resource Description: Results of in-house sieve analysis (USDA Delta Water Management Research Unit) on selected soil boring samples.

    • Resource Title: Soil Sample Chemical Analyses.

      File Name: MissouriSoilTestingLaboratory_Results Sheet.xlsx

      Resource Description: Results of various soil chemical analyses conducted at the University of Missouri Soil Lab

    • Resource Title: Raw Geophysical Data Files.

      File Name: Electrical Resistivity Profile Raw

      Resource Description: Raw geophysical data files -Electrical resistivity survey files from the selected reservoir sites collected in partnership with the United States Geological Survey. These are the raw files from Inverse-Schlumberger method survey lines at five reservoir sites, which measure differences in soil electrical properties. These differences correspond to changes in soil texture.


Natural Resources Conservation Service, IAA 67-7103-17096


Data contact name

Godwin, Ian

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

The data from this publication can be used in conjuction with additional data collected in the region for better understanding of the MRVAA aquifer, regional groundwater availability and recharge, water-soil interactions within the MRVAA, and water conservation.

Use limitations

This dataset is limited by the spatial coverage of the data, as it is limited to sites selected for this feasibility study. Some data is also limited to a small number of samples that are not representative of the region, but only of conditions at that sampling location.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

This data is focused on selected sites within the central Cache River Critical Groundwater Area of eastern Arkansas. Specifically, the sites are all located in western Craighead and Poinsett Counties.

ISO Topic Category

  • environment
  • geoscientificInformation

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

Arkansas; data collection; geophysical logging; groundwater; surveys; valleys; alluvial aquifer; databases; spatial data; geophysics; United States Geological Survey; electrical properties; soil texture; sand; silt; clay; chemical analysis; metals; nutrients; pH

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 211
  • 212

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Godwin, Ian A.; Reba, Michele L.; Leslie, Deborah L.; Rigby, James R.; Adams, Ryan F. (2020). Data from: Feasibility of Infiltration Galleries for Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer of Northeast Arkansas. Ag Data Commons.