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Figure 9.jpg (53.42 kB)
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Data from: Examining the Prevalence of Solenopsis invicta Virus 3 (Solinviviridae: Invictavirus) in Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Alates Collected in North Florida

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posted on 2023-12-19, 14:31 authored by Benjamin Hottel, Donna Arnold, Subramani Balasubramani, Steven Valles

Spreadsheet data summarizing the collection of Solenopsis invicta female alates. Alates were collected over the period 5 June 2019 to 10 October 19 from locations across north Florida. The city, date, brief street location description, number of alates collected (Queen), latitude and longitude coordinates, designation of each alate collected, and her corresponding weight in milligrams are provided.

Photographs of agarose gel separation to detect Solenopsis invicta virus-3 in collected Solenopsis invicta queens as determined by RT-PCR. cDNA synthesized with oligonucleotide primer p812 and PCR was conducted subsequently with oligonucleotide primers p812 and p813.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Raw collection data.

    File Name: Raw data.csv

    Resource Description: Collection summary data of fire ant alates.

  • Resource Title: Agarose gel separation of RT-PCR for Solenopsis invicta virus 3 detection (Pensacola and Gainesville).

    File Name: Figure 5.jpg

    Resource Description: Photograph of an agarose gel separation to detect Solenopsis invicta virus-3 in Solenopsis invicta queens as determined by RT-PCR. cDNA synthesized with oligonucleotide primer p812 and PCR was conducted subsequently with oligonucleotide primers p812 and p813. Lane assignments include lanes 2- 6 which represent queens collected from Pensacola, Florida, and lanes 7-11 collected from Gainesville, Florida. Lane 12 is a non-template blank and lane 1 is 1 kb DNA ladder.

  • Resource Title: Agarose gel separation of RT-PCR for Solenopsis invicta virus 3 detection (Panama City and Tallahassee).

    File Name: Figure 6.jpg

    Resource Description: Photograph of an agarose gel separation to detect Solenopsis invicta virus-3 in Solenopsis invicta queens as determined by RT-PCR. cDNA synthesized with oligonucleotide primer p812 and PCR was conducted subsequently with oligonucleotide primers p812 and p813. Lane assignments include lanes 2- 6 which represent queens collected from Panama City Florida, and lanes 7-11 collected from Tallahassee, Florida. Lane 12 is a non-template blank and lane 1 is 1 kb DNA ladder.

  • Resource Title: Agarose gel separation of RT-PCR for Solenopsis invicta virus 3 detection (Jacksonville and Quincy).

    File Name: Figure 7.jpg

    Resource Description: Photograph of an agarose gel separation to detect Solenopsis invicta virus-3 in Solenopsis invicta queens as determined by RT-PCR. cDNA synthesized with oligonucleotide primer p812 and PCR was conducted subsequently with oligonucleotide primers p812 and p813. Lane assignments include lanes 2- 6 which represent queens collected from Jacksonville, Florida, and lanes 7-11 collected from Quincy, Florida. Lane 12 is a non-template blank and lane 1 is 1 kb DNA ladder.

  • Resource Title: Agarose gel separation of RT-PCR for Solenopsis invicta virus 3 detection (Jay and Lake City).

    File Name: Figure 8.jpg

    Resource Description: Photograph of an agarose gel separation to detect Solenopsis invicta virus-3 in Solenopsis invicta queens as determined by RT-PCR. cDNA synthesized with oligonucleotide primer p812 and PCR was conducted subsequently with oligonucleotide primers p812 and p813. Lane assignments include lanes 2- 6 which represent queens collected from Jay, Florida, and lanes 7-11 collected from Lake City Florida. Lane 12 is a non-template blank and lane 1 is 1 kb DNA ladder.

  • Resource Title: Agarose gel separation of RT-PCR for Solenopsis invicta virus 3 detection (Macclenny and Blountstown).

    File Name: Figure 9.jpg

    Resource Description: Photograph of an agarose gel separation to detect Solenopsis invicta virus-3 in Solenopsis invicta queens as determined by RT-PCR. cDNA synthesized with oligonucleotide primer p812 and PCR was conducted subsequently with oligonucleotide primers p812 and p813. Lane assignments include lanes 2- 6 which represent queens collected from Macclenny, Florida, and lanes 7-11 collected from Bloountstown, Florida. Lane 12 is a non-template blank and lane 1 is 1 kb DNA ladder.




Data contact name

Hottel, Benjamin

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

Data may be collected to study historical, geographical, or temporal patterns of fire ant infection of Solenopsis invicta virus 3

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Collected in north central Florida

ISO Topic Category

  • biota

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

Solenopsis invicta virus-3; Solenopsis invicta; females; Florida; reproductives; insect castes; prevalence

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Hottel, Benjamin; Arnold, Donna; Balasubramani, Subramani; Valles, Steven (2020). Data from: Examining the Prevalence of Solenopsis invicta Virus 3 (Solinviviridae: Invictavirus) in Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Alates Collected in North Florida. Ag Data Commons.

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