Data from: Evaluation of a snail trap prototype for monitoring the intermediate gastropod hosts of Bolbophorus spp. in commercial catfish ponds of the southeastern United States
This dataset provides information on collection abundances of snails from commercial catfish ponds in the Mississippi Delta Region. Snail trap data were collected from weekly trap (passive) checks and monthly collections (active) from a commercial catfish production facility, Snail species include Planorbella trivolvis, Biomphalaria havanensis, and Physa sp. Data include weekly collections from traps (unknown trapping range) and monthly collections from 1 sq. meter sampling grids.
Resources in this dataset:
Resource Title: Monthly box sampling data File Name: boxdat_full2.csv Resource Description: pond: individual ponds sampled bank: pond bank sampled/location ptype: FR = fingerling pond, FF = foodfish pond snail: snail taxa month: month (as date) sampled abundance: raw counts from snail traps (truncated at 100 individuals per taxa) temp: water temperature (C) oxygen: water dissolved oxygen (mg/L) tan: total ammonia - nitrogen (mg/L) no2: nitrite (mg/L) chloride: total water chlorides (mg/L)
Resource Title: Weekly trap collections File Name: trapdat_full.csv Resource Description: week: week of sampling (typically occurred on Tuesday of that week) pond: individual ponds sampled ptype: FR = fingerling pond; FF = foodfish pond trap: pond bank location of trap (cardinal directions) snail: snail taxa abundance: raw counts of snails collected from each trap (truncated at 100 individuals per taxa) chloride: total chlorides in the water (mg/L) tan: total ammonia - nitrogen (mg/L) no2: total ammonia - nitrite (mg/L) m_temp: mean water temp (C) across all ponds m_oxy: mean dissolved oxygen (mg/L) across all ponds
Resources in this dataset:Resource Title: Monthly box sampling data.
File Name: boxdat_full2.csv
Resource Description: pond: individual ponds sampled bank: pond bank sampled/location ptype: FR = fingerling pond, FF = foodfish pond snail: snail taxa month: month (as date) sampled abundance: raw counts from snail traps (truncated at 100 individuals per taxa) temp: water temperature (C) oxygen: water dissolved oxygen (mg/L) tan: total ammonia - nitrogen (mg/L) no2: nitrite (mg/L) chloride: total water chlorides (mg/L)
Resource Title: Weekly trap collections.
File Name: trapdat_full.csv
Resource Description: week: week of sampling (typically occurred on Tuesday of that week) pond: individual ponds sampled ptype: FR = fingerling pond; FF = foodfish pond trap: pond bank location of trap (cardinal directions) snail: snail taxa abundance: raw counts of snails collected from each trap (truncated at 100 individuals per taxa) chloride: total chlorides in the water (mg/L) tan: total ammonia - nitrogen (mg/L) no2: total ammonia - nitrite (mg/L) m_temp: mean water temp (C) across all ponds m_oxy: mean dissolved oxygen (mg/L) across all ponds
USDA-ARS: 6066-31000-016-00D
Data contact name
Richardson, BradleyData contact email
Ag Data CommonsIntended use
This dataset provides information on collection abundances of snails from commercial catfish ponds. Snail species include Planorbella trivolvis, Biomphalaria havanensis, and Physa sp. Data include weekly collections from traps (unknown trapping range) and monthly collections from 1 sq. meter sampling grids. Snail abundance data may be used to estimate relative abundances between systems over time, to estimate population dynamics, etc.Use limitations
Trapping range has not been tested, so abundances collected from traps should not be treated as density estimates. Some abundances may be biased due to prevailing winds or pond treatments made by the farmer.Temporal Extent Start Date
2021-05-23Temporal Extent End Date
- Not specified
Geographic Coverage
{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-90.591064654291,34.398978365558],[-90.977783538401,33.948144962042],[-91.17114264518,33.626741513272],[-91.144775189459,33.223294872108],[-91.12719733268,32.96558229362],[-90.617431439459,32.995073490085],[-90.221923626959,32.995073490085],[-89.826415814459,33.098214777724],[-89.931884966791,33.897093251214],[-90.591064654291,34.398978365558]]]},"type":"Feature","properties":{}}]}Geographic location - description
Mississippi Delta regionISO Topic Category
- biota
- environment
- farming
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms
snails; prototypes; monitoring; Gastropoda; hosts; catfish; Southeastern United States; data collection; fish production; Mississippi Delta region; Trematoda; parasites; fish farms; fish ponds; traps; trapping; species abundance; Planorbella trivolis; Physa; BiomphalariaOMB Bureau Code
- 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service
OMB Program Code
- 005:040 - National Research
ARS National Program Number
- 106
Pending citation
- No
Public Access Level
- Public