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Data from: Enhanced crystallisation kinetics of edible lipids through the action of a bifurcated streamer

posted on 2024-02-13, 15:07 authored by Silvana Martini, Peter Birkin, Tadd Truscott

The processing of healthy foods remains a challenge and any technology with the ability to tailor the physical properties of new materials is in demand. High-intensity ultrasound (HIU) has been identified as a useful processing technique for such activities particularly for edible lipids. HIU has been known to alter the crystallisation kinetics and in turn the resultant physicochemical properties for specific food applications. The role of cavitation dynamics during treatment of oils with HIU is of interest, with the knowledge gained allowing for insight into the complex and still undefined mechanism of action. To this end, the crystallisation kinetics of an edible lipid were investigated in the presence of several distinctly different cavitation conditions. Several cavitation clusters, including a bifurcated streamer (BiS), located on the surface of a piston-like emitter (PLE) were studied, each generated by a specific ultrasonic power level. Only samples crystallised at a low supercooling (ΔTSC) value display significant differences in induction time for each of the selected HIU powers, at least 5 minutes earlier than without exposure to HIU. Substantially better energy efficiencies were seen for the BiS regime (ΔTSC = 5 °C) which coincided with maximal crystal growth rates. An increase in melting enthalpy and elastic modulus is reported in the presence of HIU for all crystallisation temperatures, this effect is larger overall with increasing ultrasonic power. In addition, sonicated samples in the presence of the BiS event were composed of fewer smaller crystals compared to higher HIU powers after 60 minutes at 30 °C. Bubble dynamics recorded during a 10 s sonication period exhibited a greater acoustic attenuation effect for the highest ultrasonic power (75 W). The results suggest that the dynamics of the cluster and the presence of the BiS event are important in terms of energy efficiency and the physical properties of the crystallised lipid material.

Solid fat content (SFC) measurements collected using NMR Minispec mq20 series (Bruker, California, USA). This data is fitted to the Gompertz kinetics model which yields the induction time for crystallisation (λ) and the maximal crystal growth rate (μ) Hardness data collected using a Texture Analyser (model TA, XT Plus, Texture Technologies Corp., Scarsdale, NY, USA). Melting behaviour analysed using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC-TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA). Viscoelastic properties measured using magnetic bearing rheometer (model AR-G2, TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA). Crystal microstructure was determined using a polarised light microscope (PLM-Olympus BX 41, Tokyo, Japan) fitted with a digital camera (Infinity 2, Lumenera Scientific, Ottawa, Canada). Hydrophone data collected using an oscilloscope or a DAQ card and was processed using VB2010 software utilising NI Measurement studio.

See Readme.txt for complete file description.

Funded under Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Grant No. 2017-67017-26476

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: README.

    File Name: README JY.txt

    Resource Description: This file contains the README (including the data dictionary) for the dataset.

  • Resource Title: Data from: Enhanced crystallisation kinetics of edible lipids through the action of a bifurcated streamer.

    File Name: APS

    Resource Description: There are 15 folders. Each folder contains the experimental data used for a specific figure reported in the manuscript. Sub-folders are used where necessary to separate data by ultrasonic power level. Figure 1 is a schematic to describe the processes discussed in the main paper. Figure S1 details the time scales of each of the analyses and HIU application at different supercooling temperatures.


USDA-NIFA: 2017-67017-26476


Data contact name

Martini, Silvana

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • irregular


  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Utah State University

ISO Topic Category

  • health

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

crystallization; lipids; healthy diet; ultrasonics; physicochemical properties; oils; mechanism of action; supercooling; energy efficiency; melting; enthalpy; modulus of elasticity; temperature; crystals; sonication; acoustics; lipid content; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; models; hardness; data collection; texture; differential scanning calorimetry; viscoelasticity; magnetism; rheometers; microstructure; polarized light; light microscopes; cameras; computer software; food chemistry; Physical and Chemical Sciences; Biological Sciences; Food and Human Nutrition

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Martini, Silvana; Birkin, Peter; Truscott, Tadd (2021). Data from: Enhanced crystallisation kinetics of edible lipids through the action of a bifurcated streamer. Ag Data Commons.

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