Ag Data Commons
SES_Data Dictionary.xlsx (83.54 kB)
SES_On-Farm_Integrative Measures_SMAF.xlsx (15.98 kB)
SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Near Surface.xlsx (19.08 kB)
SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Profile.xlsx (47.98 kB)
SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_Crop Yield.xlsx (14.22 kB)
SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_SMAF.xlsx (26.51 kB)
SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Near Surface.xlsx (30.58 kB)
SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Profile.xlsx (45.64 kB)
SES_On-Farm_Integrative Measures_SMAF.csv (3.49 kB)
SES_On-Farm_Integrative Measures_SMAF_Metadata.csv (0.69 kB)
SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Near Surface.csv (4.25 kB)
SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Near Surface_Metadata.csv (0.88 kB)
SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Profile.csv (22.65 kB)
SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Profile_Metadata.csv (0.81 kB)
SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_Crop Yield.csv (5.32 kB)
SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_Crop Yield_Metadata.csv (0.31 kB)
SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_SMAF.csv (11.49 kB)
SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_SMAF_Metadata.csv (0.8 kB)
SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Near Surface.csv (13.81 kB)
SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Near Surface_Metadata.csv (0.89 kB)
23 files

Data from: Conservation Practices Induce Tradeoffs in Soil Function: Observations from the Northern Great Plains

posted on 2024-02-21, 18:50 authored by Mark LiebigMark Liebig, Veronica Acosta-Martinez, David W. Archer, Jonathan J. Halvorson, John R. Hendrickson, Scott L. Kronberg, Susan E. Samson-Liebig, Jennifer M. Vetter

Cropland expansion and reduced crop rotation diversity throughout the northern Great Plains has negatively impacted soil quality, creating a need to identify conservation practices that can counteract this trend. A study was conducted to quantify soil property responses to crop diversity/intensity, cover crops, and livestock integration under controlled experimental conditions, and land use (dryland cropping, native grassland, untilled pasture) on working farms and ranches, all on a common soil type in southcentral North Dakota, USA. Data from this study included near-surface (0-5 cm) measurements of soil physical, chemical, and biological properties over a 3-yr period for contrasting long-term experimental treatments at the USDA-ARS Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, Mandan, North Dakota. Soil profile (0-100 cm) assessments of soil physical and chemical properties complemented near-surface measurements. Data were used to generate soil quality index scores using the Soil Management Assessment Framework. Annual spring wheat grain yields for experimental treatments complemented soils data. Similar evaluations were conducted on six on-farm sites in Emmons County, North Dakota, USA, but only for one year and without grain yield data. Data may be used to better understand soil property responses to cropland conservation practices and different land uses. Data are generally applicable to rainfed conditions under a semiarid Continental climate for Temvik-Wilton silt loams (fine silty, mixed, superactive, frigid Typic and Pachic Haplustolls) and associated soil types (i.e., Grassna, Linton, Mandan, and Williams).

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: SES_Data Dictionary.

    File Name: SES_Data Dictionary.xlsx

  • Resource Title: SES_On-Farm_Integrative Measures_SMAF.

    File Name: SES_On-Farm_Integrative Measures_SMAF.xlsx

  • Resource Title: SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Near Surface.

    File Name: SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Near Surface.xlsx

  • Resource Title: SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Profile.

    File Name: SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Profile.xlsx

  • Resource Title: SES_On Station_Integrative Measures_Crop Yield.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_Crop Yield.xlsx

  • Resource Title: SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_SMAF.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_SMAF.xlsx

  • Resource Title: SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Near Surface.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Near Surface.xlsx

  • Resource Title: SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Profile.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Profile.xlsx

  • Resource Title: On-Farm_SMAF.

    File Name: SES_On-Farm_Integrative Measures_SMAF.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Farm_SMAF_Metadata.

    File Name: SES_On-Farm_Integrative Measures_SMAF_Metadata.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Farm_Surface.

    File Name: SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Near Surface.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Farm_Surface_Metadata.

    File Name: SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Near Surface_Metadata.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Farm_Profile.

    File Name: SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Profile.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Farm_Profile_Metadata.

    File Name: SES_On-Farm_Soil Properties_Profile_Metadata.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Station_Crop Yield.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_Crop Yield.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Station_Crop Yield_Metadata.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_Crop Yield_Metadata.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Station_SMAF.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_SMAF.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Station_SMAF_Metadata.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Integrative Measures_SMAF_Metadata.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Station_Surface.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Near Surface.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Station_Surface_Metadata.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Near Surface_Metadata.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Station_Profile.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Profile.csv

  • Resource Title: On-Station_Profile_Metadata.

    File Name: SES_On-Station_Soil Properties_Profile_Metadata.csv

  • Resource Title: SES_Data Dictionary.

    File Name: SES_Data Dictionary.csv


USDA-ARS: 5445-21660-002-00D


Data contact name

Liebig, Mark A.

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

Data may be used to better understand soil property responses to cropland conservation practices and different land uses.

Use limitations

Data are generally applicable to rainfed conditions under a semiarid Continental climate for Temvik-Wilton silt loams (fine silty, mixed, superactive, frigid Typic and Pachic Haplustolls) and associated soil types (i.e., Grassna, Linton, Mandan, and Williams).

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

South-central North Dakota

ISO Topic Category

  • environment
  • farming

Ag Data Commons Group

  • Northern Plains
  • Long-Term Agroecosystem Research

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

cropland; crop rotation; Great Plains region; soil quality; conservation practices; soil properties; cover crops; livestock; land use; grasslands; pastures; farms; ranching; North Dakota; Agricultural Research Service; soil profiles; physicochemical properties; soil management; spring wheat; grain yield; continental climates; Haplustolls; soil function; semiarid zones; semiarid soils; silt loam soils

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 216

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Liebig, Mark A.; Acosta-Martinez, Veronica; Archer, David W.; Halvorson, Jonathan J.; Hendrickson, John R.; Kronberg, Scott L.; Samson-Liebig, Susan E.; Vetter, Jennifer M. (2022). Data from: Conservation Practices Induce Tradeoffs in Soil Function: Observations from the Northern Great Plains. Ag Data Commons.