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Appendix Tables Ch (36.08 kB)
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Fig2_2_1.csv (0.39 kB)
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Fig2_4_0.csv (1.18 kB)
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Table2_6_0.csv (2.15 kB)
DataDictionary_Chapter2_0.csv (25.53 kB)
16 files

Data from: Chapter 2- Livestock and Grazed Lands Emissions. U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Inventory: 1990-2013

posted on 2024-02-08, 19:57 authored by Stephen J. Del Grosso, Stephen M. Ogle, Melissa Reyes-Fox, Kristopher L. Nichols, Ernest Marx

The primary greenhouse gas (GHG) sources for agriculture are nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from cropped and grazed soils, methane (CH4) emissions from ruminant livestock production and rice cultivation, and CH4 and N2O emissions from managed livestock waste. The management of cropped, grazed, and forestland has helped offset GHG emissions by promoting the biological uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) through the incorporation of carbon into biomass, wood products, and soils, yielding a U.S. net emissions of 5,803 MMT CO2 eq (million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents). Net emissions equate to total greenhouse gas emissions minus CO2 sequestration in growing forests, wood products, and soils.

The report 'U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Inventory: 1990-2013' serves to estimate U.S. GHG emissions for the agricultural sector, to quantify uncertainty in emission estimates, and to estimate the potential of agriculture to mitigate U.S. GHG emissions.

This dataset contains tabulated data from the figures and tables presented in Chapter 2, Livestock and Grazed Lands Emissions, of the report. This chapter covers carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions and removals due to enteric fermentation, animal waste management, and land use for confined and grazed animals. Please refer to the report for full descriptions of and notes on the data.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Main Figures, maps, and tables from Chapter 2.

    File Name: Main Figures Maps Tables Ch

  • Resource Title: Appendix Tables from Chapter 2.

    File Name: Appendix Tables Ch

  • Resource Title: Data for Map 2-1.

    File Name: Map2_1.csv

    Resource Description: GHG Emission from Livestock Production in 2013, by U.S. State, in MMT CO2 eq. (Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent)

  • Resource Title: Data for Map 2-2.

    File Name: Map2_2.csv

    Resource Description: Methane Emissions from Enteric Fermentation in 2013, by U.S. State and in MMT CO2 eq. (Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent)

  • Resource Title: Data for Map 2-3.

    File Name: Map2_3.csv

    Resource Description: GHG Emission from Managed Livestock Waste in 2013, by U.S. State and in MMT CO2 eq. (Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent)

  • Resource Title: Data for Map 2-4.

    File Name: Map2_4.csv

    Resource Description: N2O emissions from Grazed Soils in 2013, by U.S. State and in MMT CO2 eq. (Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent)

  • Resource Title: Table 2-2.

    File Name: Table2_2.csv

    Resource Description: Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Livestock Category and Source, 2013. For enteric fermentation, managed livestock waste, and grazed land, in MMT CO2 eq. (Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent)

  • Resource Title: Table 2-1.

    File Name: Table2_1 (1).csv

    Resource Description: Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimates and Uncertainty in the United States, 2013 for enteric fermentation, managed waste, grazed land, grazed land remaining grazed land, and land converted to grazed land, in MMT CO2 eq. Measured in Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MMT CO2 eq.) and also displayed in percentage units.

  • Resource Title: Table 2-4.

    File Name: Table2_4.csv

    Resource Description: Methane emissions from enteric fermentation, 1990-2013, from beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, poultry, swine, horses, goats, bison, and mules, and in MMT CO2 eq. (Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent)

  • Resource Title: Table 2-5.

    File Name: Table2_5.csv

    Resource Description: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Managed Livestock Waste in 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005-2013. In MMT CO2 eq. (Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent)

  • Resource Title: Table 2-6.

    File Name: Table2_6.csv

    Resource Description: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Grazed Lands in 1990, 1995, 2000-2013, for nitrous oxide and methane, presented in MMT CO2 eq. (Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent)

  • Resource Title: Data for Figure 2-3.

    File Name: Fig2_3.csv

    Resource Description: Greenhouse Gas Emission from Managed Livestock Waste, 1990-2013. MMT CO2 eq. (Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent) for N2O and CH4.

  • Resource Title: Data for Figure 2-2.

    File Name: Fig2_2.csv

    Resource Description: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Managed Livestock Waste by Livestock Type, 2013. MMT CO2 eq. emissions from beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, poultry, swine, horses, goats, bison, and mules. Measured in Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MMT CO2 eq.) and also displayed in percentage units.

  • Resource Title: Data for Figure 2-1.

    File Name: Fig2_1.csv

    Resource Description: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock, 2013. MMT CO2 eq. emissions from beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, poultry, swine, horses, goats, bison, and mules. Measured in Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MMT CO2 eq.) and also displayed in percentage units.

  • Resource Title: Data for Figure 2-4.

    File Name: Fig2_4.csv

    Resource Description: Data for Estimated Reductions in Methane Emissions from Anaerobic Digesters, 1994-2013; in MMT CO2 eq. (Millions of Metric Tons, Carbon Dioxide Equivalent) Figure shows 2000-2013.

  • Resource Title: Data Dictionary for Chapter 2 tables.

    File Name: DataDictionary_Chapter2.csv

    Resource Description: Defines sources, GHG category, units etc. for tables, supporting figures, and maps presented in Chapter 2.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: EP-W-13-005


Data contact name

Baranski, Marci

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

Every year, USDA provides data, analysis, and support to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for their Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, an official submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. USDA provides the data and analysis for the land use, land-use change, and forestry and agriculture chapters as well as the agriculture portion of the energy chapter. Emission and sink estimates are reported in aggregate on a national basis. Periodically, USDA utilizes the same data and methods to produce the USDA Agriculture and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Inventory. While the data and methods are consistent, the USDA report is disaggregated in order to show specific trends by land use or by region. Over the next few years, USDA and EPA will be updating key agricultural management practice and technology data. We expect that these new data inputs will significantly refine estimates of soil carbon, methane emissions from manure management systems, and nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizers.

Use limitations

Some tabular data are not directly comparable between the USDA and EPA publications because of the report layout and variations in the grouping of source activities. For example, this report includes emissions from energy combusted on the farm; the EPA report addresses energy in a separate chapter and includes farm combustion plus other industrial processes, such as the manufacture of fertilizers that occurs off-farm.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • periodic


  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


ISO Topic Category

  • climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
  • environment
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

carbon; carbon dioxide; greenhouse gas emissions; greenhouse gases; land use; methane; nitrous oxide; soil

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:00 - Department of Agriculture

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Del Grosso, Stephen J.; Ogle, Stephen M.; Reyes-Fox, Melissa; Nichols, Kristopher L.; Marx, Ernest (2016). Data from: Chapter 2- Livestock and Grazed Lands Emissions. U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Inventory: 1990-2013. Ag Data Commons.

Usage metrics


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