Ag Data Commons

Data from: Cavitation Clusters in Lipid Systems – The Generation of a Bifurcated Streamer and the Dual Collapse of a Bubble Cluster

posted on 2024-02-13, 14:29 authored by Silvana Martini, Peter Birkin, Tadd Truscott

This dataset was created during a study conducted by the authors centered on experimentation of the mechanism of using high-intensity ultrasound (HIU) to change the physical properties of lipids for use in the food industry. The ring-up of a HIU source in an oil media was studied in the presence and absence of a preexisting bubble population. High-speed imaging and acoustic measurements within the system was demonstrated to be extremely useful in characterizing the dynamics present under non steady-state conditions. The behavior of the clusters generated in the first 1000 ms under these conditions was shown to be significantly different depending on the bubble population. A bifurcated streamer (BiS), originating from a unique bi-cluster event, was only observable in the presence of a bubble population during the ring-up process to higher cluster orders. In addition, the lifetime of this BiS event is highly temperature dependent and is shown to be a good marker for the viscosity of the oil employed. These data were collected using an oscilloscope or a DAQ card. Processed using VB2010 software utilizing NI Measurement studio. There are 3 folders within the zipped directory. Each contain the experimental data used for a specific figure reported in the reference article. F1 and F2 consist of the raw data used in the figures sampled at 1 MHz. 'F4_and_F5' is a file containing commas delimited data (in two data sets) as well as the summary of the processed data. Data is comma delineated as appropriate.

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: README.

    File Name: README.txt

    Resource Description: This file is the README for the dataset found in the attached .zip file.

  • Resource Title: Cavitation Clusters in Lipid Systems – The Generation of a Bifurcated Streamer and the Dual Collapse of a Bubble Cluster.

    File Name:

    Resource Description: A .zip file containing the .dat files that make up this dataset.


USDA-NIFA: 2017-67017-26476


Data contact name

Martini, Silvana

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

The physical manipulation of lipids is important the food industry. These Data show the results achieved by modifying oil according to the described processes, which can be used to determine how the flavor and texture of lipids used in food production can be modified to obtain more desirable palatability.

Use limitations


Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322, United States; University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ United Kingdom

ISO Topic Category

  • economy

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

lipids; data collection; ultrasonics; food industry; oils; image analysis; acoustics; temperature; viscosity

Primary article PubAg Handle

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Martini, Silvana; Birkin, Peter; Truscott, Tadd (2020). Data from: Cavitation Clusters in Lipid Systems – The Generation of a Bifurcated Streamer and the Dual Collapse of a Bubble Cluster. Ag Data Commons.

Usage metrics



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